Saturday, March 15, 2014

Poor Dylan

My little angel Dylan has been sick all week. I thought he was to young for this, but apparently not. He has had fever and a nasty cough all week. At the first doctor visit, I was told it was a virus. Three days later it got worse. We took him to the doctor again and found out he has bronchitis and an ear infection. My poor sweet boy has to use a nebulizer and take antibiotics. He is too little for this:( On a positive note, he is continuing to gain weight. He now weighs 13 pounds 14 ounces! The doctor was surprised when Marc told him he was a premie twin. All I want to do is snuggle this little guy all day and night long!
Using his nebulizer:(
Bringing down the fever with a wet washcloth
He has been in such good spirits considering how sick he has been:) 

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