Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4 Months Old

My little munchkins are 4 months old and I can't believe how much they have grown. It is hard to remember how tiny they were when they were first born. Noah and Dylan are both rolling over from their bellies to their back, constantly putting their hands in their mouths, and talking and giggling all the time. These are the happiest babies ever! Noah is our sleeper. He sleeps about 10 to 12 hours a night. Dylan is not much of a sleeper. He sleeps 6 hours straight and then screams for a bottle between 2 and 4 AM every night. At least he goes immediately back to sleep when he is done. In the beginning, there were times when I did not think Marc and I were going to survive taking care of newborn twins and a toddler. Now 4 months later, I think we are finally getting the hang of this. I am so in love with our family!
Happy 4 Months Boys!
I love you to the moon and back my sweet Dylan!
I love you to the moon and back my sweet Noah!
My favorite little men!
Mason is such a protective, loving brother! My love for him grows stronger every day!

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