Sunday, March 23, 2014

Family Fun Day

It may have taken nearly 4 months, but today was the first time Marc and I had an adventure day with our boys. We did not have any help from family or friends and we survived it! We started out the day by going out to breakfast. Mason, as always, was perfect and so were the twins. They just chilled in their car seats looking around the room. Patrons at the restaurant came up to us admiring and commenting on our well behaved children. I hope they all act like this every time we go out to eat. Then we spent the afternoon at Anthem Park. We fed the ducks, rode the train, and ran around the playground. The weather was beautiful and the quality family time was the best!!!
Riding the train
Mommy and the twins
Mason likes taking selfies! Lol:)
Feeding the ducks

That little guy is such a lover!
My sweet love bugs!

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