Wednesday, March 26, 2014

4 Month Check-Up

The twins had their 4 month check-up today.  My growing boys are way off the premie charts now and moving up on the full term baby charts.  Noah weighs 14 pounds 12 ounces and is 24 1/4 inches tall.  Dylan weighs 14 pounds 8 ounces and is 23 3/4 inches tall.  At 4 months, Mason weighed almost 17 pounds and was 25 inches tall.  Hence the reason Mason was always in the 85th to 95th percentile.  The twins are perfect.  Dylan showed off again and rolled over for the doctor.  I just wish he would do it when I have a camera handy!  The doctor told us that these boys are right on schedule with their milestones.  Way to go boys!

The doctor suggested that we start the twins on rice cereal.  We made the mistake of trying to feed them the cereal when they were hungry and ready for a bottle.  They both got frustrated and screamed and cried for the bottle.  Once we gave them the bottle, then we went back and tried again with the cereal.  This time they really liked it and understood the concept of swallowing.  Check out the video of Noah eating cereal for the first time:)  

Dylan enjoying the cereal

Dylan could have eaten more if I let him!

Noah preferred the bottle.

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