Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mommy and Mason Time

Since we only have a few short weeks of tolerable weather, we are taking advantage of being outside as much as possible. Mason and I decided to finally explore the beautiful mountains in our neighborhood. We walked along the trail, climbed rocks and saw lizards scurrying across. We love where we live!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

4 Month Check-Up

The twins had their 4 month check-up today.  My growing boys are way off the premie charts now and moving up on the full term baby charts.  Noah weighs 14 pounds 12 ounces and is 24 1/4 inches tall.  Dylan weighs 14 pounds 8 ounces and is 23 3/4 inches tall.  At 4 months, Mason weighed almost 17 pounds and was 25 inches tall.  Hence the reason Mason was always in the 85th to 95th percentile.  The twins are perfect.  Dylan showed off again and rolled over for the doctor.  I just wish he would do it when I have a camera handy!  The doctor told us that these boys are right on schedule with their milestones.  Way to go boys!

The doctor suggested that we start the twins on rice cereal.  We made the mistake of trying to feed them the cereal when they were hungry and ready for a bottle.  They both got frustrated and screamed and cried for the bottle.  Once we gave them the bottle, then we went back and tried again with the cereal.  This time they really liked it and understood the concept of swallowing.  Check out the video of Noah eating cereal for the first time:)  

Dylan enjoying the cereal

Dylan could have eaten more if I let him!

Noah preferred the bottle.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4 Months Old

My little munchkins are 4 months old and I can't believe how much they have grown. It is hard to remember how tiny they were when they were first born. Noah and Dylan are both rolling over from their bellies to their back, constantly putting their hands in their mouths, and talking and giggling all the time. These are the happiest babies ever! Noah is our sleeper. He sleeps about 10 to 12 hours a night. Dylan is not much of a sleeper. He sleeps 6 hours straight and then screams for a bottle between 2 and 4 AM every night. At least he goes immediately back to sleep when he is done. In the beginning, there were times when I did not think Marc and I were going to survive taking care of newborn twins and a toddler. Now 4 months later, I think we are finally getting the hang of this. I am so in love with our family!
Happy 4 Months Boys!
I love you to the moon and back my sweet Dylan!
I love you to the moon and back my sweet Noah!
My favorite little men!
Mason is such a protective, loving brother! My love for him grows stronger every day!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Family Fun Day

It may have taken nearly 4 months, but today was the first time Marc and I had an adventure day with our boys. We did not have any help from family or friends and we survived it! We started out the day by going out to breakfast. Mason, as always, was perfect and so were the twins. They just chilled in their car seats looking around the room. Patrons at the restaurant came up to us admiring and commenting on our well behaved children. I hope they all act like this every time we go out to eat. Then we spent the afternoon at Anthem Park. We fed the ducks, rode the train, and ran around the playground. The weather was beautiful and the quality family time was the best!!!
Riding the train
Mommy and the twins
Mason likes taking selfies! Lol:)
Feeding the ducks

That little guy is such a lover!
My sweet love bugs!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Physical Therapy Evaluation

Being a special education teacher was my passion for ten years. I lived and breathed Special Ed paperwork, law, and protocol. I would run meetings, console parents, and do everything in my power to help children to be successful in the classroom. Today I experienced the other side of special education where I was the parent at a meeting. Dylan had his physical therapy evaluation and I couldn't help but giggle when the PT handed me my parent rights. It is an ongoing joke amongst the Special Ed community about how many parent rights booklets we have to hand out and then the amount of signatures required showing that we gave the booklet to the parent. It can be a little ridiculous and redundant needless to say. The purpose of the evaluation was to find out if Dylan qualified for special education services. She completed all kinds of tests and activities to see if Dylan was able to turn his neck to the right. My little over achiever passed with flying colors! For the past few weeks, we have been stretching and exercising his neck. The physical therapist was extremely impressed with the progress Dylan made. He even rolled over for the first time when she put him on his tummy. That's my boy! When the development specialist and physical therapist completed all of their tests, it was decided that Dylan could qualify for services, but it may not be necessary to have in-home visits. Instead of him seeing the therapist twice a month, we all agreed that a monthly phone call would meet the needs of my little man. During those calls she will answer any questions or concerns that I might have, and not just about Dylan. She is even going to help me with potty training Mason, even though I am convinced he will be in a diaper on his wedding day! She wrote up the baby version of an IEP, which is called an IFSP, and explained the goals that he will work on. Mainly we want him to turn his head to the right during play time, tummy time, and when he is on his back. Being the parent at a Special Ed meeting made me feel vulnerable because I don't want to believe that my child is struggling, but it was a positive eye-opening experience. Who knows if I will ever get back into teaching, but if I do, it will now be a completely different experience when I run a special education meeting. 
Way to go Dylan!!! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Poor Dylan

My little angel Dylan has been sick all week. I thought he was to young for this, but apparently not. He has had fever and a nasty cough all week. At the first doctor visit, I was told it was a virus. Three days later it got worse. We took him to the doctor again and found out he has bronchitis and an ear infection. My poor sweet boy has to use a nebulizer and take antibiotics. He is too little for this:( On a positive note, he is continuing to gain weight. He now weighs 13 pounds 14 ounces! The doctor was surprised when Marc told him he was a premie twin. All I want to do is snuggle this little guy all day and night long!
Using his nebulizer:(
Bringing down the fever with a wet washcloth
He has been in such good spirits considering how sick he has been:) 

Noah Bear

My sweet boy rolled over this week! Of course he does it 3 days into me being back at work. He isn't even 4 months old yet! All the boys were home with Momma and Aunt Therese. Noah was practicing his tummy time exercises when he decided he was done being on his belly, so he just rolled over onto his back. He is one strong little man!

Noah and Mason hanging out on their bellies
Dylan prefers "back time"

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Another Day at the Train Park

Auntie got Mason to ride the Merry-Go-Round and he liked it!
Jackson was not scared at all. He loved it!
Snuggling with Auntie on the train.
Sebastian came to play too!
Mason went down the tall swirly slide. I think he was scared. Lol:) He is such a safe and careful kid. 
Andrea and I agreed that this was a fast, fun slide:)
I torture my son with lots of pictures:)
Look at that face! He cracks me up:)

Mason showing Sebastian the train.
Another fun day!