Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Mason's 1st Slumber Party

Last Saturday night, Mason had his first official sleepover with someone other than family (even though I consider Rosanna family). Rosanna, Chris, and Nicholas took Mason to Rawhide. He went to the petting zoo, panned for gold (but did not like to get his hands dirty), cried from the loud noises at the gun show, and ran around like a crazy man singing and dancing. When they woke up, Mason ate a gourmet breakfast that Rosanna prepared and then played outside with Nicholas on his cool Thomas train. I am pretty sure Mason was ready to move in. He had a blast! Thank you Olea family for taking such great care of my son. I can't wait to have Nicholas spend the night at our house so I can spoil him! My little guy is growing up so fast!!!

2 Month Dr. Visit

Noah 10 lbs 9 oz and 21 3/4 inches
Dylan 10 lbs 6 oz and 22 inches

My boys had their 2 month check up this week and they are very healthy little munchkins! They are gaining weight like champs. They no longer need the extra calorie formula. According to the premie charts, Noah and Dylan are in the 50th percentile. Compared to full term babies, they are in the 15th percentile. We can officially put that NICU stay behind us because these guys are moving up! They are focusing on objects, staying awake for longer periods of time, and even giving us intentional smiles. The love I have for these boys is indescribable. No matter how exhausted I am, when my boys are in my arms, I am in heaven. I was meant to be a mom of three fantastic little men! 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

2 Months Old


My boys are 2 months old and continue to change and mature daily. They are both drinking 4 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours. Sometimes Noah wants more:) Dylan is officially too tall for newborn sizes. It is hard to remember that these guys were wearing premie size clothing not that long ago! They are both alert more and focusing on objects. They are even awake for longer periods of time now. Noah and Dylan enjoy hanging out on the swing or cuddling in someone's arms. They are sweet, mild-tempered little guys. They have brought so much joy and love to our family! Now we need them to sleep for longer periods of time before I have to go back to work!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Train Park

I have been really sick the last few days, and poor Mason has been stuck in the house. So my mom decided to take him to meet up with Nicole and Sebastian at the train park. They kept sending me pictures so that I could feel like I was there with them. Mason had a blast! I am pretty sure that Mason is the only 2 year old that does not like ice cream, but all that changed today. He ate ice cream, rode the train, loved the train museum, and played at the park. I can't wait to take all my boys once I am feeling better:) Thanks Mommy!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thank You!

The day Marc and I found out we were having twins was an extreme roller coaster of emotions. My first reaction was shock, followed by lots of tears. Twins were never on our radar and completely unexpected. I had so many fears of how we were going to raise newborn twins and a toddler. Everyone offered to help, but I knew Marc and I would be doing it alone. Now that my boys are almost 2 months old, it is apparent that I was wrong. So many people have been helping us and a big thank you does not do our love for everyone justice! I want everyone to know how much we appreciate the help! My mom has been my rock! She even spends the nights with me to help me through the roughest hours. I love my mom more than anything and raising twins has brought us even closer!  My sister-in-laws and my niece Halley have been amazing! They come over at 7AM with food, and watch all of our boys so Marc and I can sleep and get caught up on things around the house. They stay all day and into the night sometimes as well. We are very fortunate to have my sister-in-law Therese live close to us. Mason calls her "My Therese".  She has been here day and night, and I can't even express my gratitude in words. Momma and Poppa have been beyond helpful between cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, feeding, and keeping Mason happy. My sister and her boys have been awesome with bringing over food and looking after my three babies. Mason loves all of the extra attention he is getting from everyone. My dad and father-in-law have come over to help when I have to work or just need a nap.  My aunt Monica and cousin Nicole have provided us with much needed sleep as well! Not only are we blessed with a fantastic family, but loving friends as well, who I consider family. Rosanna and her family have gone above and beyond with everything from helping us move into our new house to taking great care of my boys. Amelia has been helping out since I left the hospital. She takes care of both boys on her own so I can sleep, work, go to the store, and anything else I could need.  Patty, who will be watching all 3 of our kids when I go back to work, has been extremely supportive as well.  She watched the boys so I could work out at the gym!  Even though Brooklyn does not live here, I am very appreciative of her help. When I am having a tough day and just want to cry, she is there to talk me through it and snap me out of my funk!  Thank you to those people that have provided us with formula and diapers! I did not realize how much you go through with two newborns. So many people have been supportive and love our children like their own. Marc and I are rarely alone and someone is always ready to be here if we need it. For anyone that I did not mention, due to newborn brain, thank you! We could not have done this without the love and support of our closest family and friends.  We love you all more than you will ever know! Our family is truly blessed! XOXO

Dylan is handsome!
My sweet Noah Bear!
Dylan enjoying bath time.
Noah would rather eat than take a bath:)
Mason's adorable booty in underwear! Still working on training him:(
My first glass of wine! Half way through and I was tipsy:) Thanks Mommy and Therese for giving Marc and I our first date night since the birth of the twins. It was great catching up with my husband! Lol:)
The boys sleeping in Momma's bed! When Noah's arms are in this position, then he is going to be passed out for awhile!
Sebastian loving on Mason!
Noah's favorite spot! This is how I get things done around the house when one of the boys doesn't want to sleep.
Saba and Noah
Noah's big smile for Grandpa Boileau (PeePaw)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Random Pictures of My Boys

Noah and Mason cuddling
Dylan and Mason cuddling
Hanging out in Mason's bed
Our little Dilly Bar
Our sleeping Noah Bear
Going for a walk with cousin Sebastian 
Noah staring down Steven
The twins snuggling each other
Noah's first meal at Momma and Poppa's house
Dylan's first meal there too! I can't wait for them to eat Momma's pasta and meatballs!
My sweet angel is back! Apparently he needed his daycare routine. This was his first week back and his attitude has changed for the better:)
Sebastian is getting so big!
Sebastian loving his new toy!
Cousin Jon holding Dylan
Penny enjoying our beautiful Arizona weather

Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Boileau Boys

All my favorites!!!
My sweet Mason has definitely changed since the twins came along. He adores his brothers and kisses them constantly, but now also throws temper tantrums and constantly wants attention. The poor kid's life has been turned upside down since the arrival of his brothers, but I hope he adjusts soon. Thank goodness he still loves his sleep!
Noah is my little snuggy bunny. He loves to sleep on my chest on his belly. He curls his legs up and is instantly relaxed. Noah also smiles in his sleep. He is also my eater. He finishes his bottles much faster now and even eats 5 ounces at a time. When he is hungry, his entire body becomes stiff (Mason did the same thing as a baby) and is completely tense until he starts eating. 
Dylan is my little kitty cat. He makes the sweetest noises that sound like a kitten, except at 3:00 AM when he is really mad. He is a good sleeper, during the day, and likes to be held as well, except on his back. He also smiles at us when he is relaxed.

All 3 of my boys have such wonderful personalities and I love them more than anything! I am blessed:)