Saturday, December 28, 2013

2nd Annual Train Park Adventure

Last night Marc, Mason, and I and the Olea family went to the Scottsdale train park for our annual tradition of riding the train and taking pictures with the creepy characters. The kids always have fun hanging out. We drank hot chocolate, ate popcorn, and the kids ran around. My mom stayed with the twins and enjoyed her time with them. She snuggled them, bathed them, and fed them all by herself. She is Super Grandma!!!!

Mason loved the train, even though he was a little scared at first:)
Isabella is such a sweet, gorgeous little girl!
Mason does not trust that Shrek!
I love this handsome little boy!
Nicholas and Mason are BFF!
The Olea Family
This picture cracks me up! I am still learning on how to take a proper selfie! Lol!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Newborn Pictures

Noah and Dylan both weigh in at 7 pounds 7 ounces. My boys are putting on some weight:) We had a visit from a NICU nurse today and she was very impressed with my little premie babies. Typically, premature babies develop from their due date, not the actual date that they arrived. According to her observations, both boys are at about 2 weeks of age. She explained that premature babies usually struggle with speech and development. She gave me some tips to help with the development, but also wanted me to be prepared in case they don't reach milestones at their actual age. We will be doing lots of reading, flash cards, and anything else to help them be successful:) This visit was great and extremely informative. I look forward to meeting with Nurse Jackie again in 2 months. 

Thanks Jayde for taking such great pictures again!!

Noah does not like what Dylan is telling him! Lol:)
Dylan Ray

Noah Grayson

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day

Santa stopped by our house! Mason was a good boy!
Mason gave Penny her present.
Mason loved his first present! 
Dylan and Noah waiting for their presents.
Best Christmas morning ever!
After we enjoyed our Boileau family Christmas, everyone else came over for a delicious brunch that Auntie Jaime prepared.
Mason and Jackson opened more presents!
Momma and Poppa with their 6 ( and Penny) great grand kids! All boys except for Penny!
Grandma and her boys! 
That evening, Pee-Paw Boileau and Aunt Therese came over. Mason loves his train set from Grandma!
The Boileau Boys
Baby Dylan
Baby Noah (This little one loves to sleep!)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

1 Month Old

My gorgeous babies are 1 month old today! They are finally starting to fit in their newborn clothes. As of now they are eating 3 ounce bottles and growing fast. They are needing to eat every 3 hours and rarely go passed that amount of time. Noah finishes a bottle in about 20 minutes, which is faster than Dylan. Dylan likes to take his time and savor the flavor. Lol! Both boys grunt and make all kinds of weird noises when they sleep. Even though I am a walking zombie these days, I would not change it for anything. I am extremely blessed with such sweet, easy going babies! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

This year my family came to our new house to celebrate Christmas Eve. We have always celebrated at Momma and Popoa's house, but with 2 newborns, 1 infant, and 2 toddlers, we decided that it was best to have it at the Boileau house. Thank you to my wonderful family for helping to cook and prepare for this wonderful evening! Even though I was extremely exhausted, it was so great having everyone together. It was great watching Mason and Jackson get excited about opening presents. I am looking forward to Christmas morning!!!

Santa Mason and his elves!
Monica with the "Twinkies"
Sebastian loved opening presents!
All babies adore Poppa!
Merry Christmas!