Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's New with Mason?

Mason loves eating peas and blowing kisses:)
My little 14 month old continues to amaze me all the time!  Here are some new things that he is doing:
  1. Mason can now blow kisses and it is the cutest thing ever!  (Check out the video above:)  He blows me kisses every day before I leave for work.
  2. Mason can easily stand up from a sitting position without having to lean on anything.  He has been doing this for a few weeks, but he is no longer wobbly when he gets up.
  3. Mason LOVES to be outside.  In fact, he gets quite upset when it is time to come inside.  He could spend all day outside walking around if we let him.
  4. Mason also LOVES Christmas lights!  Marc, Penny, Mason, and I went for our evening walk last night and Mason got super excited when one of the houses was covered in Christmas decorations.  He was in awe of the lights, music, and the Christmas spirit.  I can't wait to take him to Zoo Lights!!!
  5. Mason tries to sing the ABC's.  Grandma and I sing the song to him and when it is over, he mimics our singing.  It isn't the ABC's exactly, but it is the sweetest sound.  
  6. Mason's eating habits have definitely changed over the past weeks.  When he doesn't like something (which seems to be a lot of things lately), he spits it out and makes the funniest face.  Some foods he will not eat are bacon, pickles, avocado (again:), and any of the left over baby foods that we have.  But he is definitely Italian!!!  His favorite foods include baked ziti, pasta with marinara sauce, meatballs, chicken parmigiana, and anything Momma cooks:)  He never spits any of those foods out!
  7. Mason loves to brush his teeth.  I hope this sticks with him as he gets older.  He lets Marc or I brush his teeth first and then he has to do it himself.  He has a tendency to throw a little tantrum when we take the toothbrush away from him. 
  8. Mason understands so many things that we say to him.  If I say clean your feet when he is bathing, he will grab the washcloth and scrub his feet.  If I tell him to sit down so that we can put his shoes on, he will sit and put his feet out.  If I tell him to clean up his toys, he will follow directions.  He is obviously the smartest 14 month old EVER!
  9. Mason is such a mover and talker when he sleeps.  He takes after his mommy as a kid.  Marc wanted to turn off the sound on the monitor, but I was not ready to do that yet.  So he surprised me with a video monitor last week so that I could watch my little munchkin at night, and not be woken up by all of his noises.  I find myself staring at the video at 3:00 in the morning watching Mason roll around and then end up in his favorite position with his butt in the air!  
  10. Mason is obsessed with opening and closing the garage door.  He gets the biggest, brightest smile every time he pushes the button:) 

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