Monday, November 5, 2012

10 Years Together

10 years ago today Marc and I had our first date at PF Changs.  Our first night together was perfect!  After dinner, we sat outside the restaurant and talked for hours.  It has always been so easy between the two of us.  10 years later and we are still going strong with Mason and Penny as wonderful additions to our little family.  Tonight we decided to relive our first date and take Mason with us back to PF Changs.  Marc first surprised me with a dozen roses by having Mason walk in carrying them.  One for each year that we have been together and two extra for Mason and Penny.  Mason was in a pleasant mood, smiling and making friends with the other patrons.  An older couple came up to our table on their way out and explained that watching our little family brought them so much happiness.  They complimented Mason and expressed that our family makes them feel positive about the future.  They had so many nice and amazing things to say us.  When it came time to pay our bill, our server explained that the older couple had paid for more than half of our meal and wanted to remain anonymous.  Marc and I were beyond grateful and shocked by their generosity.  We would've loved to thank them, but they left before we even knew what they did.  After dinner, we went to Barnes and Noble and Mason had a blast in the kid's section of the book store (maybe a new favorite hangout for the winter:).  This was a perfect way to celebrate 10 years together.  I love you Marc and look forward to see what the next ten years will bring:)


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