Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another Fun-Filled Weekend

We had a busy, but really fun weekend!  On Friday night, we went out to dinner with the family to celebrate Auntie Jaime's birthday.  Mason ate like a champ and was on his best behavior.  Then Marc took Mason home, and the rest of us went and saw Breaking Dawn Part 2.  I LOVED all of the books (Team Edward:), but was not a big fan of the movies, until this one.  It was awesome!!!!!  On Saturday, Mason and I met up with some friends for lunch and shopping at the Scottsdale Quarter.  The mommies had some much needed girl time and the kids enjoyed each other as well:)  On Saturday night, Auntie Jaime, her boys, and us went to the Anthem Outlets to watch the lighting of the big Christmas tree.  It doesn't compare to Rockefeller Center, but it was the closest we could get being in Arizona;)  Mason had so much fun running around with Steven and Austin in the grass.  On Sunday, Mason had his first real day care experience.  I know, it only took me 14 months!  I put him in the nursery at church and I am pretty sure that Mason would have wanted to stay there all day playing with his new buddies if I let him.  He even made his first picture that I already have hanging on the refrigerator:)  Sunday afternoon we went to Aunt Arlene's house and hung out with family and friends.  Mason spent the afternoon eating, vacuuming (LOL), playing, and loving on everyone!  He is definitely my little ham!  Needless to say Mason was in bed by 6:30 PM.  He definitely needed to catch up on some much needed rest, especially since Thanksgiving is just a few days away:)

That face makes my heart melt!

Sweet Avery

Mason and Brayden chilling at lunch!


My Little Loves!

Boys will be Boys!

Cousin Time is the Best Time!

I love these guys soooooo much!!!!

Photo Bomb!!!  (This picture cracks me up every time I look at it:)

I think we need that chair for our house!

Jennifer and Mason

Mason adores his Gram-Monica!

My beautiful cousin Nicole and Scott are 14 weeks pregnant!!!!  We are sooooo excited and happy for them:)  I can't wait to start planning and preparing for their first little angel!!! 

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