Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fun Times at the AZ Science Center

I love days off from work!!!  Rosanna and I took our boys to the AZ Science Center on Monday.  The boys had a blast!  They loved exploring the different areas and seeing all of the cool exhibits.  Nicolas and Mason really loved the Lego area, but then again so did every other kid because it was so busy.  I think I need to be a stay-at-home mom so that I could enjoy fun activities like this all the time.  Now I have to convince Marc to get a second job:)  Just kidding!

Best Buds!

Mason wanted out of that stroller!  He was ready to run around:)

This was Mason's favorite spot!  He could have stayed here all day:)

This picture cracks me up!

I am officially 5 foot 1 inch tall!  My license says 5 ' 3".  Good thing I wear heels all the time;)

Such a fun day:)

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