Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Last year at this time, I was convinced that I was in labor with Mason, which was fitting for the Labor Day weekend.  It happened to be false labor, and my little man decided to come just a few days later.  This year we got to celebrate with Mason and enjoy a family barbecue, swimming, and lots of naps:)  Any extra time that we get to spend with him is awesome!

As his first birthday is quickly approaching, I have been spending a lot of time reflecting on the passed year.  This has been the scariest, most exciting, greatest time of life and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.  I think about how much I cried in the first few months due to lack of sleep and trying to figure out how to be a mom.  At that time, I did not think I was going to survive a year and I remember wishing for him to be older so that I would know how to take care of him.  I feel like I also wanted him to grow up quickly so that I could enjoy each milestone.  Now, I miss those nights where it was Mason and I, sitting in his rocking chair at 3:00 AM.  I would just stare down at him in complete awe of how perfect he was and wonder how I could be so fortunate to have such an amazing little family.  As he is turning one, I find myself crying a lot again, but not because of lack of sleep and not knowing what to do, but because I am happy to see how much Mason has grown and all that he has accomplished.  This little guy has blessed our lives in so many ways and I look forward to the many more years to come. 

Good Morning Sunshine!

Celebrating Daddy's birthday early at Grandpa Boileau's house. 

Mason was practicing blowing out candles in preparation for his birthday:)

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