Monday, August 27, 2012

One Small Step for Man and One Giant Leap for Mace

This weekend Marc and I took our first vacation away from Mason.  We were without our little man for 72 hours, and even though it was awesome to have some adult time, we missed him like crazy!!!!  There were constant reminders of Mason everywhere we went.  Thank goodness for technology because my sister sent us videos and pictures periodically throughout the weekend.  Before we left, Mason seemed as though he might start taking his first steps.  I begged my sister not to encourage any walking, but not to scare him either.  And if he did walk, I asked her to make sure that she caught it on video.  As close as he was, he did not take any steps.  When we got home on Sunday, Mason did not want to have anything to do with walking.  That all changed on Monday afternoon when I picked Mason up from Nanny Patty's house (Mason's in-home daycare).  When I walked in the door, Patty explained that Mason was really close to walking.  We stood him up and Patty enticed him with a toy.  Mason balanced himself and then proceeded to take 4 steps towards Patty!!!  We all screamed with delight:)  Of course, he did not want to walk anymore after that, but I was so glad that I saw it.  I am just so blessed that even though I work full time, I have still been able to be the first to witness so many major milestones:)  I can't believe my baby boy is turning 1 in less than 2 weeks!

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