Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy 11 Month Birthday Mason!

This is the last of the monthly celebrations until the big 1 year birthday!  I don't know where the time has gone.  People would always tell me to cherish these moments because it goes by so quickly, and they were right.  When I look back at passed blog entries, I can't believe that Mason used to be so tiny and precious.  Now he is even more gorgeous than ever and has the most amazing personality.  I just love this little guy so much.  At 11 months, he now weighs in at 23 pounds and 14 ounces.  He continues to love all food and his been drinking less formula lately.  He prefers solid foods over the bottle, and I don't blame him.  Mason loves to mimic other people all the time.  It is the cutest thing to watch him copying others.  He also has this new thing where he pretends to be shy.  For example, at a restaurant, he will smile and giggle at other people.  When they acknowledge him, he turns his head and tries to hide behind whoever is next to him.  Then, he gets their attention again with smiles and laughs, and then hides again.  This tends to go on for awhile:)  Marc and I are so blessed with our happy and healthy little man.  We both can't get enough of him!    

Hi Mommy and Daddy!

Mason's favorite place to hang out.

Chilling at the Park

My boy loves to eat!

Hi Sweet Pea!

How many more pictures are you going to take??

Umm, a little help please?

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