Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mason is 3 Weeks Old!

This is his model look!  LOL!

Look at those cheeks!!!

My little angel is 3 weeks old!  Mason had to go back to the doctor to check and make sure that he was gaining weight, and my munchkin ate like a champ this week.  He weighs 9 pounds and 3 ounces.  He gained almost a pound in one week!  The doctor was very pleased with his growth.  I started to mix formula with breast milk to make sure that he was getting enough nourishment, and it worked.  We are still working on getting him on a routine, but as of now, he makes all the rules.  LOL!  Mason also got his first real bath this week and he loved it!  He was so relaxed and enjoyed every second until it was time to come out.  He screamed and cried even though we swaddled him with two towels to make sure he was warm enough.  Mason and I took our first trip away from home together.  We went to my school and visited with the students and teachers.  He was such a good boy the entire time.  It was really great to see everyone:-)  

I want to thank my wonderful sister-in-law Michelle!  I really appreciate you coming over and watching Mason while I got some much needed sleep.  I felt rejuvenated and ready for another sleepless night:)  Words cannot express how grateful I am!  I also want to thank all family members and friends who have been bringing us food and watching Mason to give Marc and I a little break.  Thank you to everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mason is sooooo stinkin' cute. I cannot wait to hold the little guy again.
