Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy 2 Week Birthday Mason:-)

Mason had his first photography session and she took the most amazing pictures!  I will post more when the rest of the pictures come in.  He is my little model!

I am ready to eat mom:-)

Mason trying so hard to focus.

Chillin with Momma and Poppa:-)

Mason is so relaxed on Poppa's lap!
My little Mason is already 2 weeks old.  He is still 21 inches long and weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces now.  The doctor was slightly concerned because he is supposed to be back at his birth weight at this stage.  We will go back to the pediatrician next week, and hopefully Mason will have gained more weight.  I have been trying to eat more calories and take supplements to help bring on more milk to feed my growing angel.  The pediatrician said that Mason seems very healthy and has excellent skin for a 2 week old baby.  I also had my postpartum appointment as well today.  I have already lost 35 pounds in 2 weeks:-)  A lot of it was water weight and I am so grateful to have my bony ankles and feet back!  I even started wearing my wedding rings again!  The doctor explained that my incision looks great and it is normal to still feel pain up until 4-6 weeks.  It usually only hurts when I wake up in the middle of the night for feedings.  Mason sleeps like a champ during the day, but tends to get fussy after midnight.  It has been awesome having Marc home with me for these 2 weeks.  He has already proven to be an exceptional partner and father.  Now that I am able to pump more, Marc gets to partake in the feedings as well.  This helps them to bond more and grow even closer.  Mason is the best thing that could have happened to our little family!  We are beyond happy and so in love with him:-)   

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