Tuesday, June 28, 2011

29 Weeks

How big is he going to get???!!!!!

Today I am 29 weeks pregnant.  Mason should be measuring about 16 inches and weighing in at about 3 pounds now.  I am keeping track of his movement, and he moves a lot!  Marc and I lay in bed and watch my belly jiggle around like the ocean.  It is crazy!  The doctor called this week and explained that I passed the glucose test, but I do have anemia.  She put me on some iron vitamins to help with that.  I feel like I take 100 vitamins a day thanks to the pills that my mom makes me take every day:-)  Some new pregnancy symptoms this week, which may be from the anemia, consist of shortness of breath and lower back pain.  This makes for even more challenges at night when I try to sleep.  Kickboxing classes are starting to become a challenge as well, but I am determined to continue the class at least for another 5 weeks:-)  Thank goodness I only have 2 days left of summer school and then I am free to relax and hang out by the pool.  Marc and I are anticipating our "Baby Moon" which will be our last mini-vacation that will be just the two of us.  I look forward to our family vacations now! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Gorgeous Man

I had my 3D ultra sound today and got to see my gorgeous angel.  It is always exciting when I have an ultra sound, but this time he actually looked like a real baby.  I was a little nervous at first because these pictures have a tendency to look slightly freaky, but that thought left my mind the second I saw him.  I may be biased, but he is probably the cutest baby ever!  Mason has these adorable chubby cheeks and thick plump lips.  I am so in love with him already!  The doctor said that Mason has a little hair that she was able to see, so hopefully he will be taking after mom when it comes to the hair (sorry Marc:-).  Thank you so much Jaime and Brooklyn for being there with me to check out my beautiful baby.  Less than 12 weeks (hopefully) to go!

We've already taught him to cover his mouth when he yawns:-)

Sleeping Angel

I want to squeeze those cheeks already!

He's a thinker!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester

28 Weeks

I am 28 weeks today!  Each week I get more and more excited to meet my little angel.  I had a doctor's appointment yesterday that went very well.  I had to drink this extremely sweet drink for my glucose test and then get blood work.  Needless to say I was a big baby when it was time to poke me with the needles.  I am pretty sure the nurses are still laughing at me.  After they took what seemed like every ounce of blood from my body, I was informed that I needed to get another shot!  Apparently my blood is not so common and does not mix well with Marc's blood.  So in order to keep my Mason protected and any future possible children, I was injected with some sort of liquid (I don't remember the technical term:).  The good news is that as long as I pass the glucose test (I have to wait one week for the results), then they are finished taking blood from me.  YAY!  Now I get to stress about delivery!  LOL!  I am measuring one week ahead of schedule.  My doctor explained that it doesn't necessarily mean I will go early, but I will have a big baby.  That explanation did not make me feel better!  I don't want to go early, but I don't want a 10 pounder coming out of me either!!!  OMG!  She did explain that I am doing fine weight wise and I only gained 5 pounds this past 4 weeks.  My visits will now be every 2 weeks.  I am super excited because I have my 3D ultra sound scheduled for tomorrow.  I will definitely post pictures.  We also received Mason's furniture.  Thanks to my wonderful friend, Brooklyn, the room is well on the way to getting ready!  We need to paint and put in new carpet in the next few weeks.  Things are finally coming together:-) 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

27 Weeks and "Camping"

Hello Mason!
I am in the final week of the 2nd trimester and I am getting really excited to meet my little man!  I constantly wonder what he is going to look like, what kind of man he will be when he gets older, and how can I be the best mom to him.  I have A LOT of time to think when I lay up in bed all night.  I don't think I will be getting much sleep when he comes either:-)  At least I will be used to it.  Mason is measuring at about 15 inches and a little over 2 pounds.  Mason seems to get the hiccups every evening after dinner.  I love the tickling sensation in my belly.  My cute little innie belly button is now protruding out like a third nipple!  LOL!  There are new changes to my body every week, but only 13 left to go before it all goes back to normal (hopefully:-).  Shaving my legs has become a fun challenge every shower and I told Marc that he is going to be taking over that job soon.  He didn't seem too excited about that, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to make me happy.  I am so lucky to have him!  I am teaching summer school to a group of the cutest, sweetest 2nd graders.  Every day they rub my belly and say "hello" to Mason.  It is so adorable!  I am pleasantly surprised with these group of kids and they make it very easy to come to work each day.  My next appointment is the glucose test on June 20.   

My handsome husband in the kitchen of the cabin at Hawley Lake.

Penny passed out in Dad's lap as we drive through dirt roads:-)

Penny had the most fun camping!

Fishing from a paddle boat.

The Cabin
  Last weekend, Marc, Penny, and I drove up to the Pinetop area and went "camping" and Hawley Lake with Marc's work.  It was a Jill type of camping because we rented a cabin and had a bathroom.  We were definitely roughing it though!  We had no heat and no TV!  LOL!!  The cabin was so old and run down.  There were holes in the windows and the shower was so disgusting that I refused to use it.  The cabin only had a full sized bed in it.  I have been spoiled with my new, huge bed so it was very difficult to go down in size.  With my growing body and Marc, there was no way the two of us would have been able to sleep in that bed.  Thank goodness there was a futon as well.  We were both so freezing at night, we finally had no choice but to snuggle on the tiny bed just for body heat!  It was gorgoeus during the day, but in the 40's at night.  Even Penny needed her blanket and sweater because she was shivering!  Marc's boss rented out an entire lake (Cyclone Lake) for his company.    We went fishing, hiking, and even took a paddle boat out on the lake.  I caught my first fish!  It was very exciting:-)  Even though I am not the "camping kind of girl", I still had a good time.  Marc and Mason could do the camping thing without mom:-)  LOL!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

26 Weeks:-)

This belly is getting bigger by the second!

OMG!  I am at 26 weeks already!  I know I mention it every time, but I can't believe how quickly time is flying by.  At least we finally ordered the baby's furniture this weekend:-)  We still have to paint and install new carpet in his room, but at least we are starting the process for the nursery.  I have definitely been more uncomfortable lately.  My rib pain has gotten worse and nothing works to make it go away.  The doctor explained that not many women experience this rare side effect.  She also told me it will go away when the baby comes.  That did not help my situation at all, but just another pregnancy perk I get to deal with:-)  Mason now weighs about 2 pounds and I can feel him all the time.  I imagine him doing somersaults in my belly to describe the crazy sensations.  He has even kicked a pillow off my belly once!  He is training to be a fighter I think!  LOL!  At 26 weeks, Mason can now open his eyes.  They really do grow up fast:-)  I think it might also be almost time to lay off the 5 inch heels.  Teaching all day in heels is really not helping my bad back and the leg cramps that I endure throughout the night.  (You may have been right after all Marc:-)  I have my glucose test in 2 weeks and then we scheduled a 3D/4D ultra sound too.  I can't wait for those pictures!  

Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

Playa Del Carmen, Mexico 6/8/09
I can't believe that Marc and I are celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary.  I have the most amazing husband and I know that he will make an even more amazing father.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful, patient, and loving man in my life, especially with all of my crazy pregnancy hormones.  I love you so much and I look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with you.  XOXOXO