Tuesday, April 5, 2011

17 Weeks

Hello Baby!

I can't believe that I am already 17 weeks into this pregnancy.  I am so grateful that it has been fairly easy minus a few aches and pains.  I have finally gotten over this nasty flu that I have had for 2 weeks.  It was not fun, especially since I was unable to take anything but Tylenol and lots of vitamin C and it kind of ruined my spring break.  But at least I have gotten my appetite back, as you can see:-)  I am glad that I was able to rest and catch up on my shows (including my obsession with all the Real Housewives).  Next appointment is set for Tuesday, April 12, at 3:00.  I am beyond excited to find out the sex, as long as our little nugget cooperates and is in the right position!  

My other baby! 

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