Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bump Buddies

Andrea is 14 weeks and I am 20 weeks

All of the cousins hanging out!  Steven, Baby M, Mason, and Austin

OMG!  I am growing by the second:-)
I am so excited because not only do I get to become a mommy this fall, but I also get to become an auntie again!!  My beautiful sister-in-law Andrea is expecting Baby Mosseri just 6 weeks after Mason arrives!  It has been so great having someone to talk to about all the happenings going on in our bodies.  I love that Mason is going to have a cousin so close in age.  It stinks that they live in Tucson, but at least it is only a 2 hour car ride.  The best part is that I will still be on maternity leave when Baby M comes, so we can have baby playdates:-)  I am offcially 20 weeks along and half way through this pregnancy.  Mason is the size of a small cantaloupe measuring at 6.5 inches from crown to rump and weighing in at about 10 ounces.  I feel him constantly now jumping around in my belly, but still no kicks yet.  I feel him the most in the evening when I am lying down.  He loves pouncing on my bladder which makes for an interesting sensation than an emergency dash for the bathroom.  LOL!  Mason's taste buds are now fully working, so I need to watch what I eat.  According to some studies, babies respond best to foods that they have already had from the amniotic fluid.  That means no more pizza and ice cream and only fruits and veggies for the rest of this pregnancy!  Yeah right:-)  I knew Mason was a boy because of all the junk foods that I was craving!  LOL!  My next doctor's appointment is this Friday, April 29.  I will keep everyone updated.   

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