Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mason Talking with Daddy

I love those juicy lips!!!!

My little munchkin is 12 weeks today!  I can't believe how much he is growing.  My mom has been saying for 2 weeks now that she thinks Mason is teething and I did not believe her, until this weekend.  He has all of the symptoms from chewing on his hands constantly, drooling nonstop, being extra fussy (screaming nonstop even after a bottle which always makes him happy!), and not sleeping through the night.  When I rub my fingers on his gums, he bites down and I feel bumps.  He isn't even officially 3 months yet:(  After doing research (yes I know that screams new mom LOL), I found out that it is not uncommon for 3 month old babies to start teething and sprout teeth.  I hope not because I am still occasionally nursing!  LOL:-)  The doctor suggested Tylenol, but I did not want to start giving him medicine yet.  My mom brought over her homeopathic stuff last night and he finally slept 9 hours straight!  I hope this is not a long painful process for my little man:(    

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