Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy 1st Halloween Baby!

So tired after a long day!
Auntie Jaime and Fireman Mason

Getting ready to go out

My Handsome Fireman

Really mom??!!

I am over this!

Happy Halloween!

Give me candy!

The trick-or-treating crew

Our little pumpkin!

Happy Halloween!  Mason really enjoyed his first Halloween.  Auntie Jaime, Steven, Aunt Therese, Saba, and Grandma all came over for dinner.  Then we all went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.  Everyone admired our little fireman!  Steven got tons of candy and we all had a good time! 

Mason went to his first Halloween party at Nana B's house.  Nana B (Brenda) is the wonderful woman who will be watching Mason when I go back to work next week.  She decorated a pumpkin and a lantern for Mason.  The other kids got dressed up and played around the backyard.  Everybody loved my little man and he was such a good boy.  All of the kids made caramel corn and caramel apples and she made a take-home bag of goodies for Mason as well.  This made Marc very happy:-)  I feel really good about leaving Mason with her.  It is going to be extremely hard for me.  Nana B is a very caring woman and she totally understands that I will most likely be a crying mess when I leave him next Monday:(  I am glad that she is close to my work so if I need to see my baby during my lunch break, I could run over there.  I will cherish and enjoy these last few days!

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