Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Baby

He is full of smiles!

Check me out!

Mason is the coolest kid!  I loved spending all my time with him for his first 9 weeks.  This week I went back to work and it was hard.  I cried all day mainly because I was leaving him with someone other than family.  Marc and I made the decision that he is going to be staying with Auntie Jaime during the days now and I couldn't be happier.  Mason is very excited about this as well:)  He has been sleeping 8-9 hours every night now.  I finally feel like myself again now that I am getting longer stretches of sleep.  Mason also has been looking at people and intentionally smiling all the time now.  It melts my heart and still makes me tear up.  I love being a mommy!!! 

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