Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy 2 Month Birthday Mason!

Mason loves staring at the ceiling fan even with all of those bright colors around him!

My precious boy!

Marc and his "Mini-Me"

I can't believe that Mason was born 2 months ago!  My little angel had a great doctor's appointment today.  He is 23 3/4 inches tall and weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces.  He is my little chunker!  Mason is constantly growing out of his clothes.  The doctor said that Mason is very healthy.  He had to get his first set of shots today:(  The entire time in the office, Mason was cooing and smiling at me, until he was pricked with the needle.  He turned bright red and screamed so loud that I started crying as well.  I think I had a harder time with it than Mason.  I don't know how Marc was able to handle it when he stayed with him during the circumcision 2 months ago.  Good thing my baby likes to eat because when we got home, I nursed him and he fell asleep as if nothing ever happened:-)  I love my sweet boy so much!!!  

Tomorrow is Mason's first day with the nanny and my first day back at work.  I am pretty sure that my students are going to be sick of hearing Mason stories.  My goal is to keep the crying to a minimum:-)  I am going to miss my munchkin like crazy!!!!  Thank goodness this is a short work week!   

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