Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mason Talking with Daddy

I love those juicy lips!!!!

My little munchkin is 12 weeks today!  I can't believe how much he is growing.  My mom has been saying for 2 weeks now that she thinks Mason is teething and I did not believe her, until this weekend.  He has all of the symptoms from chewing on his hands constantly, drooling nonstop, being extra fussy (screaming nonstop even after a bottle which always makes him happy!), and not sleeping through the night.  When I rub my fingers on his gums, he bites down and I feel bumps.  He isn't even officially 3 months yet:(  After doing research (yes I know that screams new mom LOL), I found out that it is not uncommon for 3 month old babies to start teething and sprout teeth.  I hope not because I am still occasionally nursing!  LOL:-)  The doctor suggested Tylenol, but I did not want to start giving him medicine yet.  My mom brought over her homeopathic stuff last night and he finally slept 9 hours straight!  I hope this is not a long painful process for my little man:(    

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Funfilled Weekend

It was really great having Jackson and his parents stay with us this weekend:-)  Jackson slept for 7 hours straight!  This was nice because my brother and Andrea got some much needed rest.  Mason loved hanging out with his cousin.  We all went out for breakfast and we had the two best behaved babies EVER!  After breakfast, we took the boys to the mall to visit Saba (my dad).  My dad was such a proud grandpa!  He showed off his grandsons to everyone at the mall.  We even bought the boys their first Christmas ornaments.  We had a lot of fun!  I look forward to spending more weekends together.  

Mason is huge compared to his cuz!

Jackson slept in Mason's lap and Mason rubbed his head!  Too cute:-)

I know I'm HOT!  LOL!
My sweet boys!


Mason's first Christmas ornament

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy 1st Thanksgiving!

We had a perfect Thanksgiving with Marc's family and my family.  Mason was our little turkey.  I loved spending the day with family and eating lots of amazing food.  I am extremely thankful for our happy, healthy little boy, our amazing families, and our wonderful friends!

Bring on the eating!

Ready for a day with my family!

Such a cutie!

I love my cousin Dani!

Thanks for all of the delicious food Aunt Michelle:-)

I had a good nap on Aunt Genny!

So Happy!!!

Thinking very hard!

Hanging with the family!

I love you Austin and Steven!

Mommy's little turkey!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dearest Mason...

You make our family complete.  Words cannot express the happiness and joy you have brought to our lives.  I loved you the second I knew you were in my belly and I fall more in love with you each day.  I want to cherish and remember every moment with you.  Daddy and I are so blessed to have a healthy beautiful baby.  You have changed our lives for the better!  We promise to always support you and love you forever!

It is Mason's world and I just live in it:-)

My sweet angel!

My happy little munchkin!

Grandma dressed him!  LOL!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

10 Weeks Old Today!

Soothing himself to sleep!

So happy!

He loves Grandma!

My dad made me wear this!  LOL!

Relaxing on the couch with Penny and my parents!
My little munchkin is 10 weeks old today and officially sleeping about 10 hours per night (sometimes more)!  Mason must have known that I had to go back to work and wanted me to be fully rested for my students.  I am so glad that he takes after his father with the sleeping.  I was beginning to think that I would never get a full night's rest.  He falls asleep all by himself in the crib by sucking on his thumb.  It makes Marc and I laugh because when we leave the room, all you hear are loud sucking noises.  Then he puts his arms above his head and he passes out.  He continues to change each week.  He is rarely fussy now (thank goodness) except when he is super tired, hungry, or needs a diaper change.  I am fussy too when I need those things!  LOL:-)  My favorite times are sitting on the couch with Penny and my boys.  Mason loves being held by his daddy and we just stare at him for hours!   

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mason Chillin with His Cousins

I love my cousin Halley!

I love you Aunt Genny:-)

I love you Taylor!
Mommy's beautiful family!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Baby

He is full of smiles!

Check me out!

Mason is the coolest kid!  I loved spending all my time with him for his first 9 weeks.  This week I went back to work and it was hard.  I cried all day mainly because I was leaving him with someone other than family.  Marc and I made the decision that he is going to be staying with Auntie Jaime during the days now and I couldn't be happier.  Mason is very excited about this as well:)  He has been sleeping 8-9 hours every night now.  I finally feel like myself again now that I am getting longer stretches of sleep.  Mason also has been looking at people and intentionally smiling all the time now.  It melts my heart and still makes me tear up.  I love being a mommy!!! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy 2 Month Birthday Mason!

Mason loves staring at the ceiling fan even with all of those bright colors around him!

My precious boy!

Marc and his "Mini-Me"

I can't believe that Mason was born 2 months ago!  My little angel had a great doctor's appointment today.  He is 23 3/4 inches tall and weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces.  He is my little chunker!  Mason is constantly growing out of his clothes.  The doctor said that Mason is very healthy.  He had to get his first set of shots today:(  The entire time in the office, Mason was cooing and smiling at me, until he was pricked with the needle.  He turned bright red and screamed so loud that I started crying as well.  I think I had a harder time with it than Mason.  I don't know how Marc was able to handle it when he stayed with him during the circumcision 2 months ago.  Good thing my baby likes to eat because when we got home, I nursed him and he fell asleep as if nothing ever happened:-)  I love my sweet boy so much!!!  

Tomorrow is Mason's first day with the nanny and my first day back at work.  I am pretty sure that my students are going to be sick of hearing Mason stories.  My goal is to keep the crying to a minimum:-)  I am going to miss my munchkin like crazy!!!!  Thank goodness this is a short work week!   

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mason and Jackson at Momma's

Mace and Jacks

Holding hands!

I am sooooo cute!

My sweet angel!

My beautiful best friend, Brooklyn, had the most amazing wedding this weekend!  She was a gorgeous bride and I am so happy for her and Teddy.  While we were in wedding mode, Momma was babysitting both Mason and Jackson.  The boys were awesome and loved being with their great-grandma! I am so blessed to have such an amazing family!  


The Beautiful Bride!

My Girls

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy 1st Halloween Baby!

So tired after a long day!
Auntie Jaime and Fireman Mason

Getting ready to go out

My Handsome Fireman

Really mom??!!

I am over this!

Happy Halloween!

Give me candy!

The trick-or-treating crew

Our little pumpkin!

Happy Halloween!  Mason really enjoyed his first Halloween.  Auntie Jaime, Steven, Aunt Therese, Saba, and Grandma all came over for dinner.  Then we all went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.  Everyone admired our little fireman!  Steven got tons of candy and we all had a good time! 

Mason went to his first Halloween party at Nana B's house.  Nana B (Brenda) is the wonderful woman who will be watching Mason when I go back to work next week.  She decorated a pumpkin and a lantern for Mason.  The other kids got dressed up and played around the backyard.  Everybody loved my little man and he was such a good boy.  All of the kids made caramel corn and caramel apples and she made a take-home bag of goodies for Mason as well.  This made Marc very happy:-)  I feel really good about leaving Mason with her.  It is going to be extremely hard for me.  Nana B is a very caring woman and she totally understands that I will most likely be a crying mess when I leave him next Monday:(  I am glad that she is close to my work so if I need to see my baby during my lunch break, I could run over there.  I will cherish and enjoy these last few days!