Wednesday, July 20, 2016

LegoLand in AZ

Last week we met up with Rosanna and her kids at AZ Mills Mall to check out the new LegoLand. I was a bit skeptical at first, but we had a blast!  There were two rides, an entire area of lego built lands, a jungle gym area just for kids to run around, jumbo legos, and a 4D movie.  We hung out for almost 2 hours in this place. We will definitely come back and visit again.

I love that Nicholas and Mason get along so great.

My sweet mischievous Bear!

These backdrops were awesome!

There was a mini lego Sky Harbor Airport behind these boys.

This is Mason's forced smile.  LOL!

I think we need jumbo legos at home for the boys to play with.  They loved them!

Sweet Bella!

Looking forward to our next adventure with the Olea family!

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