Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Coronado Vacation Day #2

We had another fabulous day in Coronado. After breakfast, we gathered all of our beach essentials and headed out.  This was not an easy task, but we managed to fit most of our stuff in the wagon, including the twins.

We were ready for a day at the beach!

We spent hours making sand castles and hanging on the beach.  The water was cold, but that did not stop Mason from jumping in the waves the entire time.  The twins are extremely afraid of the water.  They won't go anywhere near it, but they are adamant about having their buckets filled with water at all times.  Good thing Mason loves the job of being water boy.

 The twins are obsessed with the seagulls.  Every time they see one, which they are everywhere, they scream out "mine, mine, mine" (from Finding Nemo).  It cracks me up!

 They love their new sleeping arrangements! And we love it to because all three kids have their own room and Marc and I sleep kid free in our bed!
 Chocolate for dessert tonight!
These are the faces I get when I ask all the boys to get together for a picture!  Silly boys!

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