Monday, July 11, 2016

24 Hour Beach Getaway

Last weekend, Mason and I spent 24 hours in Orange County, California.  This was his first time on an airplane and he was so awesome!  Mason was a little scared after take off, but five minutes into the flight, he was calm and relaxed.  Jen was already in California, so we were all together. We spent the day at the beach and even went swimming in our clothes.  Then we changed our clothes and went to Crystal Cove State Park.  We had an amazing dinner on the beach at a place called The Beachcomber Cafe and saw a beautiful sunset.  The next day we went swimming at the hotel pool and then headed to an Irvine Park.  This was a gorgeous park that had a zoo, a lake for peddle boats, horseback riding, a train, and so much more.  My work was hosting an employee and family picnic for our Irvine office.  I can't wait to come back and visit this park again.  Mason and I had a great time together and we are looking forward to another beach vacation soon!

Just landed in California!

My rental car was a minivan!  Mason loved it!

 He could have stayed in the water all day!

 I love this kid so much!

Love this girl!

 The many faces of Mason!
 Best date ever!

 This little guy is just like his mommy, always wanting to be in the water!
 That face!
 Swimming without his floaties.
 Mason loves Jen!  Any chance he got he wanted to be next to her.
 California makes you hard, hence the tattoo!
 Riding the train through the park.
Home sweet home!  I sure did miss my little twinkies!

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