Saturday, July 30, 2016

Coronado Vacation Day #5

For our last day of vacation, we all slept in really late and decided to spend our last day on the beach. The water was really warm, so needless to say, Mason spent nearly all of his time swimming.  The twins spent all of their time in the sand, still refusing to go near the water.  The lifeguards made lots of announcements about watching for sting rays because they were hanging out in the shallow water. Mason was not concerned, maybe because we just spent two days at Sea World with them.  We did find out the next day that 35 people were stung by sting rays on the exact beach that we were on.  After the beach, we headed to the hotel pool for a quick swim.  That evening the hotel had a reptile guy come and show off his pets.  The kids touched a lizard, a snake, and even let a tarantula crawl on their hands!  They were a lot braver then me. We spent our last night at the Del Coronado enjoying the sunset and eating ice cream.

I was so proud of all of my boys.  They were extremely well behaved at every restaurant we visited. Random people throughout the week continuously complimented our children and Marc and I for our parenting skills. Clearly these people were not at the hotel with us last year when our kids were sick and not on their best behaviors. The best advice we were given was even though this time is chaotic and not the easiest with three young children, we need to embrace and cherish it because it doesn't last forever and we will miss it when they are older. So true!!!! We couldn't have asked for a better vacation. We look forward to coming back again next year!

Back to the beach!

 Don't go in the water Mason, stay with me!
 He's not scared of sting rays!
Needing Mason to get him more water.
This really nice man (Mason's words) found this shell on the beach.  He thought the boys would enjoy it and gave it to them.  It is huge and perfect!

 Pool time!

 Agh!  Mason did not even flinch.  I would have freaked out!

 My reasons for everything in life!

 This kid is always posing!

Peace out Coronado, until next year!

Coronado Vacation Day #4

We met some friends today and spent our time at Sea World again.  It was one of the hottest days yet! I left my good camera in the hotel room, so I only have iPhone pictures.  This was actually good because I spent more time in the moment rather than trying to capture each moment. We saw dolphins, whales, sharks, and so much more.  We all had a great day, despite how sweaty we all were.

 Shamu was swimming around upside down!
 Feeding the sting rays.

 Checking out Wally the Walrus!  (That is what the kids named him because of Paw Patrol)
 Back to the obstacle courses.
All boys loved the flying Elmo ride. This was Mason's favorite from when  he was a baby.
 Meeting Elmo and Zoe was the highlight of the day.  The kids are still talking about it!

Giving kissies and huggies to Zoe!

Another fun, fabulous day on vacation!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Coronado Vacation Day #3

On this day, we decided to pack in as much as these little guys could handle.  We started the day at the beach because that is our favorite thing to do.  Mason and Marc spent most of the time in the water again.  The twins and I made sand castles, searched for seashells, and ate snacks.  We managed to sneak in a nap before heading out to Sea World.  The boys had a blast at the Sesame Street play area.  Mason was running through obstacle courses by himself and I was so proud at how brave he was!  This is the last year that Sea World will have killer whales shows, so we were able to watch one of the final shows.  This was yet another great vacation day!

 Ready to go!

 They all played together so nicely!

 Chasing after seagulls again!
 Showing off their shells.
 These boys were passed out in a matter of minutes.
 Refreshed and ready for Sea World.

 Marc and Mason have been taking this exact picture since Mason was 9 months old!
 Standing in front of an ice wall in the Arctic.

 Dylan and Mason were afraid to get in the cave with Daddy.
 The polar bear was extremely active.  He was chasing fish and playing with his ball.  It was awesome!  Dylan was scared and started to cry.


 Mason running through the obstacle course.
The boys loved all the rides at the Sesame Street play area.