Thursday, May 19, 2016

Post Work Adventure

Traveling out of state is part of my position at work. My evenings during my travels consist of dinner at the hotel, a glass of wine, and lonely nights watching Friends reruns. (I have a healthy obsession with that show) To most people with three crazy boys, this is a much needed break. For me, I yearn for the chaos and craziness that goes on in my house. Being away from my family makes me sad, but I am extremely fortunate to have an awesome travel partner and friend with me. This week we decided to skip dinner and the quietness of our hotel room and head to California Adventure for five hours of fun! If I have to be away from my family, then I might as well make the best of it! Jen and I had a blast taking ridiculous selfies and riding all of the rides. We were able to get on all the fun rides and even rode Tower of Terror twice! I can't wait to come back here in September with my family. Be prepared for silly, raw photos of us running through the park!

Cars Land is our favorite!

The line for Radiator Springs Racers was over an hour. We decided to go on the single rider line, which was only 15 minutes. That worked out perfectly because we were still able to get on the same car and we won the race!

Jen tried to cover up the score because I won! I got the proof though!

Waiting in line for California Screamin!

I don't know what the guys in front of us are doing!

Little Mermaid!

Tower of Terror!!!!

We met these guys in line and they became our best friends for the remainder of the evening. And they live in Phoenix!

So much fun!!!!

The second time was just as fun as the first!

A glass of wine and a very late night dinner was the best way to end our perfect adventure!

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