Sunday, May 22, 2016

Graduation Day

Mason officially graduated from pre-k last night.  Marc and I were so proud of our little man.  We had family over for dinner before the graduation and then we all headed over to the school.  During the ceremony, the class sang The National Anthem, the Greek alphabet, and a song about the continents.  Mason got up with three other children and counted to twenty in Swahili when they were discussing the continent of Africa.  Mason's teacher, Mrs. Bates, is from Hawaii, so the girls did a traditional luau dance and the boys did a Hawaiian warrior dance.  It was the cutest thing.  At the end, each student was called on stage to receive their diploma.

Mason will be tested on June 6th to see if he will be allowed to start Kindergarten in the Fall because his birthday is passed the cut off date by seven days.  His teachers are not concerned at all. Mason has been doing Kindergarten work for awhile now.  He is writing upper case and lower case letters, practically reading, adding and subtracting, and extremely mature (sometimes too mature for his own good).

I am so excited for what the future holds for this kid!

He has grown so much in just a year!

Noah still loves his high chair.  I think he will be a teenager still sitting in this thing!

My adorable graduate!

Pee Paw made this delicious chocolate cake for Mason.

The graduation crew, missing Saba because he took the picture.

Mason loves Ms. Marcia! She is not his teacher, but she looks after him in the early morning when we drop him off.  We all  love her!

Ms. Caitlyn is one of Mason's teachers.  We are fortunate to have such amazing teachers this year!

My brave little performer!

Popcorn and snuggles kept the twins occupied throughout the ceremony.

Ms. Bates is the perfect mix of being a loving disciplinarian.  Mason learned so much respect from this woman.  The best part is that she is good friends with my mom.  I can't wait for the twins to have her as a teacher.

It is never easy getting a decent picture of these three boys when they are together.

I love you my sweet boy!!!

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