Sunday, February 28, 2016

More Zoo Days!

I decided to stay home from work on Friday to spend time with the boys.  The weather has been beautiful lately so I wanted to be outside.  At the last second, I called Therese and we packed up the car and took my monkeys to the zoo, again.  We all love the animals and love being outside, so this was the perfect way to play hooky.  This time we did things we haven't done yet this year.  We walked through Monkey Village, saw turkeys, chicken, sheep, and goats, and played in the playground.  Of course we did some of the things that we always do, like feed giraffes and ride the tractors, and had the best day.  Our niece Dani, who volunteers at the zoo, hung out with us for a bit and Austin, who works at the Desert Botanical Gardens, stopped by and played on the playground with us.  It was a super fun day!

This is always our favorite thing to do at the zoo.

Noah put his arm around Dylan all on his own and they weren't even fighting.  I had to capture this moment.

The boys loved their shadows.

Mason would never let us come to the zoo and not play on the tractors.

These boys are my everything!

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