Sunday, February 28, 2016

More Zoo Days!

I decided to stay home from work on Friday to spend time with the boys.  The weather has been beautiful lately so I wanted to be outside.  At the last second, I called Therese and we packed up the car and took my monkeys to the zoo, again.  We all love the animals and love being outside, so this was the perfect way to play hooky.  This time we did things we haven't done yet this year.  We walked through Monkey Village, saw turkeys, chicken, sheep, and goats, and played in the playground.  Of course we did some of the things that we always do, like feed giraffes and ride the tractors, and had the best day.  Our niece Dani, who volunteers at the zoo, hung out with us for a bit and Austin, who works at the Desert Botanical Gardens, stopped by and played on the playground with us.  It was a super fun day!

This is always our favorite thing to do at the zoo.

Noah put his arm around Dylan all on his own and they weren't even fighting.  I had to capture this moment.

The boys loved their shadows.

Mason would never let us come to the zoo and not play on the tractors.

These boys are my everything!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Birthday Celebrations

36 is an uneventful birthday, but I am so blessed that I have such a wonderful family and amazing friends that make me feel so special.  I had celebrations with friends, both sides of my family, and with my boys! Marc definitely made me feel like such a princess! Every night before bed, the boys get in our bed and watch Frozen Fever.  It is a ten minute clip of Elsa trying to make Anna's birthday very special.  The boys have a slight obsession and can recite every part before it happens. Marc and I actually enjoy it as well. We find ourselves singing the song out loud.  LOL!  The premise for the show is Elsa has Anna follow this string that leads to all kinds of birthday presents.  I left work early on my birthday and decided to go on a beautiful hike.  When I walked in the door, Marc and the boys were waiting for me.  There was string throughout the house and the kids told me to follow the string. There was a card from the boys, one from Marc, Victoria's Secret bags, a sandwich (from the show), and then the string went outside throughout the backyard ending with my new beach cruiser bike!  I have been wanting one since we rented bikes in Coronado.  It is the cutest bike with a basket.  Now all I need to get is the trailer that will fit the twins and we can go on family bike riding trips! I am one lucky girl!

Following the string!

The string went through the entire house with little surprises along the way.

So excited about my bike!  I felt like a little girl again!

The girls at work got me flowers, presents, and desserts.  I am so fortunate to work with such an amazing group of women!

This was one of the many desserts that I ate!  This was a white chocolate peanut butter brownie.  My father-in-law made a chocolate and peanut butter cake, and Marc made me home made butter cake with Haagen Dazs ice cream. These are a few of my favorite things!  I better live at the gym after all of these sweets!

This picture cracks me up.  Therese took it with her phone, so the quality isn't the best, but we were all into blowing out these candles!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Brave Boy

When Mason was two years old, he was dancing in the living room when he slipped and smashed his face into the tile.  His front tooth turned brown and it has been like that for over two years.  Last week we noticed an abscess on his gums above the "dead" tooth.  I immediately made an appointment with Mason's dentist.  Dr. Patel gave us two options: pull the tooth or put a cap on it.  My initial reaction was to put a cap on it because I didn't want him to be toothless for two years.  Then the doctor explained that with this option, there was a 30% chance that the infection would come back. If we pulled the tooth, then we would not have to worry about the infection.  And we had two days to make a decision because the infection was getting worse and it needed to be taken care of right away. Dr. Patel came in on a Saturday for us because he knew how busy our schedules were and he wanted to help us out.  He is an amazing pediatric dentist and I am so grateful that he was willing to come in on the weekend for us.

I was extremely scared, but my Mason was such a brave boy!  He had to be put under for the procedure, but Marc and I are were able to stay in the room with him.  Seeing my baby lying there broke my heart.  Mason whimpered when the tooth was actually being yanked out, but was completely fine after.  We thought he would be groggy, nauseous, and cranky, but that didn't even happen.  He was a model patient. Dr. Patel explained the infection was worse then he thought and there was a higher likelihood that the infection would have come back, so we made the best decision. I am so proud of my little man and I think his smile is even cuter now!

This was taken right before we left the house to go to the dentist.

Mason was so excited that the tooth fairy came!

He will always have the cutest, sweetest smile!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Another Day at the Zoo

Our new favorite place to visit this winter is the zoo.  We had a great time feeding the giraffes, riding the camel, petting the goats (except for Noah), and eating kettle corn.  I see lots more zoo days in our future!

This is Mason's new favorite pose.  This is him with a beard and a mustache.  Where does he get this from?!

I love this little man so much!

The tractor is a must every time we visit the zoo.

Again, Dylan had to brush the hair of every goat in the petting zoo. He is so gentle and sweet with these animals! 

Noah still dislikes the petting zoo area very much!  LOL!

Every trip to the zoo ends with the most delicious kettle corn ever!  We all love it!