Sunday, March 1, 2015

15 Month Check-up

The kitchen is their favorite place to hang out!

Dylan is going through a stage where he needs to be held all the time!

This is how he looks when we don't do what he wants.  

I love watching these two play together.

Noah gets so excited and claps every time he puts this toy together.  Mason was clapping for him too.

The boys had their 15 month check-up with Dr. Curley.  They are growing up too fast and I am ready for things to slow down a bit!  They are both super healthy (minus the bugs, ear infections, colds, flus, and whatever else has been going through our house since December).  They are growing perfectly and meeting each milestone at their actual age.  We don't even consider them premature developmentally anymore.  Noah is 30 inches tall (12th percentile) and 23 pounds 13 ounces (66th percentile).  Dylan is 31 inches tall (43rd percentile) and 25 pounds 4 ounces (83rd percentile).  They are loving, adorable, happy little guys and I thank God for them choosing our family every day!

  • Noah will eat anything we give him from fruits, vegetables, chicken, and anything in between.  He also likes to savor his food and enjoy each bite.  He won't put any new food in  until he finishes what is in his mouth.
  • The toothless wonder is finally getting more teeth!  He now has 4 on the bottom and 6 on top, which includes 2 molars. 
  • As long as he is not sick, teething, or tired, he is the happiest munchkin.  He cracks himself up on a regular basis. He's got the biggest, brightest smile and the best belly laugh I have ever heard.
  • He is always cautious and careful about everything, just like Mason.  He won't climb the stairs, run around, or climb anything.  He likes to take his time.
  • He has beautiful curls that remind me of my baby pictures.  
  • He LOVES to drink water!
  • He speaks nonstop.  We think he might be a lawyer when he grows up.  Some new words are water, blueberry, bottle, wow, and no way.
  • His favorite thing to do is sit on his little couch and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He gets super excited for the Hot Dog song.
  • Noah loves to spin around and around until he is dizzy saying "wow, wow".  It is the cutest thing!
  • This guy used to be my great eater, but has definitely changed over the past few months.  He won't eat things that look different to him.  Some foods he will put in his mouth, then spit it out immediately.  Other times he will chew it up and then spit it out. When he does enjoy something, he will shove as much of that food that he can fit in his mouth.  We can't leave him alone with food!   A new trick we learned is to give him the fork and let him feed himself, one bite at a time.  He gets a little frustrated because it is not as fast as he likes, but it seems to be working.  This has worked for about a week now, but feeding Dylan is no longer fun.  I hope this trick lasts!
  • This guys has almost a full set of teeth.  Every time I look in his mouth he has new teeth, including 4 molars.  
  • Dylan has recently started throwing temper tantrums.  If he doesn't get his way, he throws himself on the ground and fake cries.  He looks up to see if we are paying attention, and then fake cries again.  He just might be an actor when he grows up.  He loves attention!
  • This one is the opposite of careful.  He climbs everything and has no sense of fear.  He is going to give us a run for our money!
  • He has the most beautiful smile and the biggest blue eyes out of all of my boys.  His sweet face makes my heart melt.  Look out girls!  (I feel this way about all my boys because they are a gorgeous bunch!)
  • He LOVES water too, except when his whole body is submerged.  He splashes it everywhere while giggling and squealing with delight.
  • Dylan speaks a lot more now.  His new words are water, happy birthday, blueberry, bubbles, bottle, and daddy.
  • His favorite thing to do is sing Happy Birthday.  He sings it a hundred times a day.  This song calms him down when he is crying and upset.  It is hysterical that this is his favorite song.  
  • Dylan also loves to dance.  If there is music, he is shaking his groove thang!
It is crazy that these boys were made at the same exact time and have so many different personality traits.  Both of them have common characteristics with Mason too.  I am so in love with my family, including their adorable personalities!

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