Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

Mason received a bunch of valentine's cards from school.  He decorated the bag himself.

Heart-shaped pepperoni pizza

Poor Dylan has been really sick.

Even with this gorgeous smile, you would not know that this little guy is sick too.
So many sweet surprises!

According to Mason, I love hearts and flowers.  He is correct!  These make me smile.

My sick munchkin is still in good spirits.
Dylan loves his new toy.
Aunt Therese bought these for us to try.  I am a fan!
Mason enjoying his chocolate covered strawberry.
These two are always getting into trouble.
A smile from Noah Bear always melts my heart!

Mason and his valentine, Aunt Therese.

Valentine's day did not turn out the way we had planned.  We intended on spending the day as a family at a park and enjoying the beautiful weather and Marc and I were going to spend the evening out while Aunt Therese watched the kids for us. Unfortunately, both Noah and Dylan got really sick and we spent Friday night taking care of them and staying in the house all day Saturday. We were very happy that Aunt Therese still came over and hung out with us.  Marc and I crashed their romantic Saturday evening that included a heart-shaped pizza, chocolate covered strawberries, and Planes. Valentine's Day is all about being with the ones you love, and even though we had sick babies, I am glad that we were all together.  Happy Valentine's Day!    

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