Friday, February 13, 2015

Preschool Days

This week has been interesting due to Mason starting preschool.  My baby boy is growing up and sometimes I feel as if he is three years old going on fifteen!  Mason has been going to daycare at a friend's (Patty) house three days a week and staying with family since he was an infant.  He has never experienced a strict structured setting with set eating, nap, and play times.  He has also been the oldest kid for the last year, whether at home or at Patty's house.  Needless to say this week brought on many changes in this kid's life and new behaviors as well.  My once sweet, obedient, loving child started acting out and even got in trouble at school.  We were all shocked!  On his first day, Mason ran away from me screaming and yelling that he was not going home with me.  On a positive side, he obviously enjoyed school and didn't want to leave.  Thank goodness counting to 3 still worked and he finally got in the car.  The next day at school he was sent to timeout, refused to listen to the teacher, and kept putting his hands on the other kids.  Who was this child?!?  Marc and I realized we needed to make some serious changes at home because we did not want these behaviors to last.  After some loooong talks and taking away some toys, I am proud to say that my Mason is back.  On his third day he made some friends, was well-behaved, and had a fabulous day! We understand that Mason experienced a lot of changes that impacted his daily routines, but I am glad that my sweet boy is back and we hope that it stays this way from here on out.  We love Mason's teacher and his school and are optimistic that his second week is going to go a lot smoother.

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