Saturday, December 20, 2014

Randoms from the Week

These boys rooting for the Cowboys to win, and they did because of their lucky pants!
Before Mason decorated his felt Christmas tree.
Daddy and Mason adding the finishing touches.

Mason loves his new tree. In Mason's words, "Thank you sweetheart for getting me my new favorite tree!" I love this kid!!!

I love my job! I am in charge of coordinating charity and volunteer projects. I was able to raise over $2,000 from employees for Family Promise. Now 28 homeless children will have tons of presents to open on Christmas morning. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when we deliver the presents on Monday!

Poor Dylan needing a nightly breathing treatment to help him with his nasty cough. He is so calm and relaxed, which is a huge difference from when we first started giving him treatments at 3 months old.

These boys love hanging out in the laundry basket. Why do I bother buying them toys?!?

I've recently taken up running and ran in my first 5K event. It was the Jingle Bell Run which raised money and toys for Toys for Tots. 

My amazing friend and boss encouraged me to run and has been running with me for weeks.

I love my amazing team of coworkers!

My goal was 35 minutes, but I did it in 27 minutes and 47 seconds! I was super excited and can't wait to sign up for more runs!

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