Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

This is the second year that we hosted Christmas Eve dinner and it was perfect! Thanks to Momma's cooking, and my mom and sister helping me watch babies and prepare, this night was filled with love and happiness. Before Mason went to bed he told me that he got enough presents and doesn't need any gifts from Santa. Ha, I wish he would have told me that over the last month. We may have gone a little overboard, but this is really the first year that he gets the whole Santa thing. I can't wait to see his face in the morning. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Dylan is wearing the Santa jacket that Mason wore last year, but Mason was 2 years old! 

Dylan decided to dress up for dinner.

Mason was ready to hand out the presents.

Dylan loves opening presents!

Noah was ready for bed. He just laid there while Auntie tickled his back!

I love this picture of Mason.

My beautiful mommy!

Dylan doesn't want to sleep, he wants to be around all the action!

This little guy doesn't want to sleep either!

Leaving cookies and milk for Santa.

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