Saturday, June 8, 2013

Happy 4th Anniversary!

4 years ago today I married the kindest, most loving, and giving man.  He has proven to be an exceptional partner and an amazing father! I remember the day like it was yesterday. Waking up in paradise was just the start of the day. Playing beach volleyball and swimming in the ocean with 25 of our closest family and friends was a perfect way to spend the morning. Then off to the salon for hair and makeup. Standing at the edge of our beach aisle and staring at the handsome man who was about to become my husband made me feel relaxed and excited for our future. I have never been more sure about anything in my life until that moment. I look forward to the day when we go back to Playa Del Carmen and relive that time in our lives again! I love you Marc forever and always!!!! XOXO

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