Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mommy's Little Performer

Mason's bedtime routine consists of bath, massage, brushing of his teeth, Octonauts, story time, and then he goes to sleep.  Octonauts is one of Mason's favorite shows.  Marc and I love it to because you learn all about sea animals.  The best part is when they sing the Creature Report song and then they have the "dance break" part at the end.  My little guy LOVES this song and dances around.  Anyone who is at the house during this time must join in on the dancing and Mason will scream your name until you start shaking it.  He is so darn cute!!!! 

Mason not only dances, but he is my little singer as well.  He will use anything as a microphone.  He loves to cheer for himself when he is finished.  Mason loves being the center of attention!

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