Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve

Every year on Christmas Eve we all go to Momma and Poppa's house and enjoy an amazing meal filled with seafood.  We have shrimp cocktail, scungilli salad, frutti de mare, shrimp scampi (my favorite), crab stuffed mushrooms, and of course baked ziti and meatballs, plus so much more!  This is my favorite meal of the year:)  After hours of eating and drinking, we then exchange gifts and eat dessert (Momma's cookies are the best).  Mason loved spending time with his cousins and opening tons of presents!

Santa Claus is coming to town!

I made this amazing Christmas tree for Momma and Poppa back in 1985!  I love that they hang it up every year for Christmas:)

My gorgeous boys!  We wished Jackson was with us too:)

The wonderful chefs who cooked this perfect meal!  Thank you Monica and Momma:)

My little man LOVED the boxes that the presents came in:)

Bring on the food!

Bath time and then straight to bed so that Santa can come to the house:)

Penny was excited for Santa too:)

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