Monday, December 10, 2012

15 Month Check-Up

So happy hanging out in the exam room, before the doctor comes in:)

"He's going to poke me with WHAT??!!!!"

So happy again and he doesn't even remember getting the shots, but Mommy does:(
Mason had his 15 month doctor check-up on Friday, December 7.  Mason now weighs 26.5 pounds and is 31 inches tall.  He is still above average for weight, but he is now at the 50 percentile for height.  All four of Mason's molars have broken through and he now has 12 teeth.  The doctor explained that the "fang" teeth are next and he said those are the worst:(  We had a rough time with the molars, so I pray that theses teeth come in easily for my little guy.  Mason is in perfect health!  The doctor did recommend completely getting rid of the pacifier by 18 months.  He only uses it when he sleeps, but I agree, it is time to ween him from that.  I am not looking forward to this at all:(  Mason is doing well with his speaking (12 words!) and walks around like a pro!  He is definitely starting to throw more tantrums, especially when we tell him that he is not allowed to touch the Christmas tree.  He is starting to take after his mommy when it comes to being stubborn.  That is something we will both need to work on.  Next doctor's visit is 18 months!

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