Monday, October 15, 2012

What's New with Mason?

Mason is now a little over 13 months and it seems like he is learning new things daily.  It feels like my little guy went from being a baby to a toddler over night.  Here is a list of some of the things that he is doing...

  1. Mason is officially a walker!  He loves walking everywhere.  We finally got him shoes to fit his chubby feet (size 4 1/2 wide) and now he wants to walk all the time.  He is a lot less wobbly lately, and there are times when he tries to run, but he is not successful with that yet.  
  2. Mason now waves and says good-bye all the time, and not just for the TV:)  When Momma comes over on Wednesdays, Mason starts saying good-bye to me even if I am not ready to go yet!
  3. Mason is speaking up a storm!  Some of the words he is saying are Dada, Momma, Go, Bye-Bye, More, Yes, Uh-Oh, and he has a name for Penny, but it sounds nothing like her name.  My mom is convinced he says "Grandma", but I am not so sure about that:)
  4. Mason has 8 teeth and 1 molar.  We are so glad that the molar finally broke through.  That was a rough one for our little guy.  I hope the rest come through with ease so that he is not in so much pain:( 
  5. Mason loves other kids!  He is amazing with the other babies at daycare and he adores the older kids as well.  Maybe we will have to have another child so Mason can have a friend;)  
  6. Mason has mastered opening and closing all of the bedroom, bathroom, and closet doors.  It is so cute to watch him reach on his tippy toes and pull on the handle to open the door.  Then he must slam it immediately after opening it.  
  7. Mason does not like getting his diaper changed.  When I tell him that it is time to change his diaper, he bolts in the other direction.  The changing table used to be one of his favorite places, and now he screams until we distract him with a toy.
  8. When given a variety of shapes, Mason can pick out the circle and drop it in the circle slot.  We are working on the other shapes, but we haven't been as successful.
  9. Mason likes to act like a monkey.  When we say, "What does the monkey do?"  Mason grabs a hold of the bars of his pack 'n' play and shakes it while he makes monkey noises.  It is quite hysterical!
  10. When we tell Mason it is time to go "good-night", he puts his head down wherever he is and makes his sleepy noises.  He also like to copy us when we fake snore:)  If Marc or I close our eyes, he finds it necessary to stick his fingers in our eyes to wake us up.
     We are enjoying every moment that we get to spend with our  adorable toddler.  It is absolutely amazing to be a part of this little guy's life.  I can't wait for him to learn more new things!
Mason loves spending time outside!  I am so happy that the weather is getting really nice finally:)

Walking to the park with Grandpa Boileau

Playing at the park with Auntie Therese

Mason's new obsession:  DOORS!


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