Friday, October 26, 2012

A Day at the Zoo

Mason, Nicolas, and Isabella had an amazing day at the zoo.  We enjoyed petting the goats, riding a camel, feeding the giraffes (Mason and Isabella slept through this part:), and seeing all the animals.  The weather was perfect and the company was even better.  After a long week of conferences, it was nice to have a day off to spend with my little man and great friends!

Could the boys look any happier? Lol:)

Ride' Em Cowboy

Such a fun day:)

"Don't cry Mason!  They aren't leaving us in here."


"Look at that crazy monkey!"

"I'm just going to chill here."

Nicolas loved feeding the giraffe.

I got a little freaked out by the slimy tongue:)

Check out the picture bomber in the back:)

Nicolas' first time riding the camel:) 

Boys will be Boys:)

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