Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mason and Jackson Time

Jackson and Andrea came up to visit this weekend for some much needed cousin time!  We had plans to go to the zoo, but unfortunately Mason got stomach sick (AGAIN!!!) and that did not happen.  Once Mason was feeling better, the boys enjoyed a long walk around the neighborhood.  We are working on this whole sharing thing, but neither of the boys wanted to give up their favorite toys.  It is so exciting watching these boys grow up together!

The boys were in a deep conversation:)

"Where's the beef??!!"

Look at that hair!!!!  Love him:)

The boys like to pet each other.  LOL!

"Let me in Jackson!!!"

The boys playing nice with each other.

"No more hugs Auntie!"

"Do I really have to share Mom?"


Such a beautiful smile:)

Mommy's Little Model

I love these boys!

Mason was ready for a nap after the long weekend.

Bye Bye Auntie Andrea and Jackson!  We hope to see you soon:) 

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