Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Video of Mason Walking

My little man has been walking a lot lately and here is the proof:)

Happy 3rd Birthday Nicolas!!!

Nicolas had his 3rd birthday party at Pump It Up.  Mason had the best time bouncing around and going down the slide.  Mommy and Daddy had a blast as well:)  Thanks for a fun party!!!

Happy Birthday!

Mason chillin with the ladies:)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend O' Fun

We had a very busy and excited weekend.  We had a friend's 1 year birthday party and Auntie Andrea and Jackson came up to visit. 

Mason was full of smiles at the Train Park in Chandler because there was a splash pad!
Nicolas had a blast!

Mason hanging with his boys, Nicolas and Logan.

"I love this place!!!!"

Happy 1st Birthday Brooklyn!

Mason drinking from a water bottle.  He is growing up so fast!

My sweet Nicolas:)

Toddler Jackson

Such a happy little guy:)

Jackson loved Momma's cooking;)

Mason loves all of his birthday toys!

He can play in his room for hours;)

Mommy's Little Love Bug
Mason cleaning up his toys:)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Bye Bye Mason

Mason is obsessed with the mice that live in the clock on his favorite show.  At the end of the show, he has to say good-bye to each mouse.  Unfortunately, whenever I leave for work, he does not find it necessary to wave good-bye to me!  LOL!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mason's 1 Year Well Check Exam

Mason had his 1 year well check exam today. He was quite cranky because it was way passed his nap time and he must have known he was getting shots:( After some research, I opted out of getting the MMR and Chicken Pox vaccine. Dr. Curly was very understanding and gave me some nonbiased sites to check out before I make any final decisions. Mason is very healthy and proportionate:) He is in the 75th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference. Mason weighs 24.6 pounds and is 30.5 inches. Thank goodness he takes after daddy in the height department! He is now drinking a mixture of toddler formula and milk. He did not like the milk at first, but since we started mixing it, he is chugging it down. He is taking more steps here and there, but not officially walking on his own yet. He loves his push toys and holding onto my legs as we walk around the house. His favorite food lately is cheese. He loves them all including provolone, cheddar, mozzarella, and even havarti! His face lights up whenever he sees the cheese:) Mason sleeps about 12 hours per night and still takes 2 naps throughout the day. Sometimes he will take 3 naps. My boy loves his sleep. Mason has only been taking the bottle before he goes to bed, so I hope we don't have issues weaning him. The pacifier is still used only when he sleeps, and I am not ready to wean him from that yet. Maybe over winter break when I have 2 weeks off and I won't have to worry about not sleeping much:) Mason also likes his new car seat. I am still having him face backwards for a little while longer though. We are very blessed to have a happy, healthy toddler!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Captain Jack's 1st Birthday

On Saturday, we drove down to Tucson to celebrate Jackson's 1st birthday!  His party was pirate themed and the decorations were adorable.  The best part was when Jackson was eating his cake.  He would have devoured the entire thing if Andrea let him.  I love that little munchkin so much!

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy

Mason dressed up for the party:)  The bandana lasted about 5 minutes.

Jackson's Treasure Chest Cake

Mmmmmmmm, CAKE!!!!


Mason and Grandma in the bouncy castle

Grandma had more fun than Mason:)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mason and Friends at His Party

Happy 1st Birthday My Love
Mason's party was filled with family and close friends that love him so much!

Daddy making sno cones:)

Beautiful Baby Brooklyn and Aunt Monica

The boys LOVED taking a bath together after swimming in the pool!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Time for Cake

Mason wasn't very excited about digging into his cake.  We had to help him get started, and even then, he did not want to get very messy.  He is definitely like his mommy in that aspect.  Mason had more fun playing with his spoon:)  The blue icing did get everywhere and they only way to clean Mason off was by giving him a bath in the kitchen sink.  It was just like the days when he was first born, except now he is triple the size:) 

Daddy helping Mason to eat the cake

"All this sugar makes me thirsty!"

Bring on the sweets Aunt Michelle and Aunt Therese

That was a fun bath!

"I didn't know it was going to be "this" kind of party!"  LOL!