Monday, August 27, 2012

One Small Step for Man and One Giant Leap for Mace

This weekend Marc and I took our first vacation away from Mason.  We were without our little man for 72 hours, and even though it was awesome to have some adult time, we missed him like crazy!!!!  There were constant reminders of Mason everywhere we went.  Thank goodness for technology because my sister sent us videos and pictures periodically throughout the weekend.  Before we left, Mason seemed as though he might start taking his first steps.  I begged my sister not to encourage any walking, but not to scare him either.  And if he did walk, I asked her to make sure that she caught it on video.  As close as he was, he did not take any steps.  When we got home on Sunday, Mason did not want to have anything to do with walking.  That all changed on Monday afternoon when I picked Mason up from Nanny Patty's house (Mason's in-home daycare).  When I walked in the door, Patty explained that Mason was really close to walking.  We stood him up and Patty enticed him with a toy.  Mason balanced himself and then proceeded to take 4 steps towards Patty!!!  We all screamed with delight:)  Of course, he did not want to walk anymore after that, but I was so glad that I saw it.  I am just so blessed that even though I work full time, I have still been able to be the first to witness so many major milestones:)  I can't believe my baby boy is turning 1 in less than 2 weeks!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Best Buddies

Mason and Nicholas had the best time at the splash pad at Desert Ridge.
Best Buds!

Nicholas has the brightest, happiest smile!

Mason can't wait for Baby Bella (still in Rosanna's tummy) to come out and play!

Nicholas was a little skeptical with the splash pad at first, but once he was comfortable, he had a BLAST!

My Baby Love!

Good times with Auntie


"This is AWESOME!!!"

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What's New with Mason?

I have noticed lately that Mason is reaching new milestones daily as his first birthday is approaching.  He surprises me each day with something new and I still can't believe how much he has matured in such a short amount of time.  Here is a list of some of the new things that he is doing:

  1. Mason is so full of LOVE!  Unless he is preoccupied, if I ask for a kiss, he grabs my face and plants the wettest, sloppiest, kiss on my lips!  His baby kisses are the best:)
  2. Mason can now follow short commands.  When he wakes up in the morning or from a nap, we ask him to drop his blanket and pacifier into the crib.  He looks at me and then proceeds to do as we asked of him.  He is obviously the smartest baby ever!
  3. Mason can now pick out certain toys or objects when he is asked.  For example, I would ask Mason to pick up his brush and he would pick out the correct item.  Then I would ask him to brush Mommy's hair, and he does that too!!!  Did I mention that he is a genius???:)
  4. Mason holds the phone to his ear and pretends to have a conversation.  He has a slight obsession with all telephones and the Direct TV remote.  (He doesn't like any other remotes other than the one we are using to watch TV:)
  5. Mason now throws mini temper tantrums.  I am not looking forward to this stage.  He definitely does not like being told "No".  He either gets really angry, or has the saddest pouty face.  I am going to be such a sucker for that face!
  6. Mason isn't walking alone yet, but he does push his car and walk on his own.  He also can stand and balance without holding on to anything, but only for about 5 seconds before he gingerly plops to the ground.
  7. Mason has always loved to eat, but the smile he gets when he really enjoys something is priceless:)  He LOVES frozen yogurt, blueberries, pancakes, and my mom's peas (LOL!).  He gets super excited and begs for more.  He also tried avocado again, and this time he liked it:)  
I know that I have said it hundreds of times, but Mason is the coolest kid!  We are so blessed with this little guy!!!

Mason would rather push his walker these days as oppose to walking around in it:)

"Look how high I am!!!"

That face has guilty written all over it:)

I love when my babies play together!

This is one look right before he cries after I have told him "No".  This face kills me:(

Mason's favorite place to hang out:)

I love that little tushy!  Mason is going to hate these pictures when he is older:)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy 11 Month Birthday Mason!

This is the last of the monthly celebrations until the big 1 year birthday!  I don't know where the time has gone.  People would always tell me to cherish these moments because it goes by so quickly, and they were right.  When I look back at passed blog entries, I can't believe that Mason used to be so tiny and precious.  Now he is even more gorgeous than ever and has the most amazing personality.  I just love this little guy so much.  At 11 months, he now weighs in at 23 pounds and 14 ounces.  He continues to love all food and his been drinking less formula lately.  He prefers solid foods over the bottle, and I don't blame him.  Mason loves to mimic other people all the time.  It is the cutest thing to watch him copying others.  He also has this new thing where he pretends to be shy.  For example, at a restaurant, he will smile and giggle at other people.  When they acknowledge him, he turns his head and tries to hide behind whoever is next to him.  Then, he gets their attention again with smiles and laughs, and then hides again.  This tends to go on for awhile:)  Marc and I are so blessed with our happy and healthy little man.  We both can't get enough of him!    

Hi Mommy and Daddy!

Mason's favorite place to hang out.

Chilling at the Park

My boy loves to eat!

Hi Sweet Pea!

How many more pictures are you going to take??

Umm, a little help please?