Monday, February 27, 2012

Mommy's Little Gambler

On Saturday, Marc, Mason, and a group of our amazing friends went to Turf Paradise to celebrate my birthday.  I have never been to the horse races and we thought it would be something different and fun.  We had an awesome time hanging out with our great friends (and Mason's BFF Nicholas:), eating good food, and of course betting on some horses.  Unfortunately, none of us were big winners, but it was still a good time!

I have such an amazing husband!  He surprised me with my favorite dessert and my "Baby on Board" window cling on!!!  I have been wanting this since Mason was born because I get so nervous when people ride way too close to me while my munchkin is in the car with me.  Hopefully this will change people's driving.  Also, next Saturday I have a full day o'fun with my favorite boys.  I get to go shopping for a new Coach bag, a pedicure, family fun time, and dinner at my favorite restaurant, Roy's at the Desert Ridge Marriott!  I am very blessed:) 
Mommy's great little boy!!!!

Mom and Mace

I know I'm cute!

I love you Auntie Amelia!

Aunt Brooklyn is so much fun!

Look at those horses Mom!

My sweet Nicholas!

This horse will be lucky:)

Rosanna and her little munchkin

Such a good time!

Nicholas and I in the front row!

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