Monday, February 20, 2012

Chillin At Home

Mason loves playing in his car with Grandma!

Playing peek-a-boo in the crib is so much fun!  Mason has the sweetest laugh:)

I can sit up on my own for a long time now!

Hi Mommy!

Really?!  How many pictures are you going to take?


I want to put everything in my mouth!
Mason has so much personality.  He is really coming into his own.  Lately he has been kicking his legs and flailing his arms around when he is happy.  It is hysterical!  Marc and I know he is awake when we hear his legs banging down on his crib mattress.  He is now using his high chair and eating oatmeal twice a day.  We will start veggies here shortly.  Mason is also able to hold himself in a sitting position without looking too drunk.  LOL!  Mason gives the best sloppy baby kisses!  He grabs my cheeks and opens his mouth and kisses me (and drools all over my face:)!  I know he probably just wants to bite my nose, but I still consider them baby kisses.  We love our little munchkin soooo much!!!!!  

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