Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mason's Baby Dedication

On Sunday, February 26, 2012, Mason was dedicated to God at Momma and Poppa's church.  Mason had on an adorable outfit, but of course he would have a blow out through his diaper and through his white pants not ten minutes before the service started!  LOL:)  Good thing I prepared an extra outfit.  I was waiting for Mason to spit up on the pastor during the ceremony.  LOL!  Luckily, he didn't:)  After the service, we had everyone over at our house for food, drinks, and dessert.  Mason napped through most of his party:)  It was great having mine and Marc's family, and great friends, all together.  Mason is very blessed!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mommy's Little Gambler

On Saturday, Marc, Mason, and a group of our amazing friends went to Turf Paradise to celebrate my birthday.  I have never been to the horse races and we thought it would be something different and fun.  We had an awesome time hanging out with our great friends (and Mason's BFF Nicholas:), eating good food, and of course betting on some horses.  Unfortunately, none of us were big winners, but it was still a good time!

I have such an amazing husband!  He surprised me with my favorite dessert and my "Baby on Board" window cling on!!!  I have been wanting this since Mason was born because I get so nervous when people ride way too close to me while my munchkin is in the car with me.  Hopefully this will change people's driving.  Also, next Saturday I have a full day o'fun with my favorite boys.  I get to go shopping for a new Coach bag, a pedicure, family fun time, and dinner at my favorite restaurant, Roy's at the Desert Ridge Marriott!  I am very blessed:) 
Mommy's great little boy!!!!

Mom and Mace

I know I'm cute!

I love you Auntie Amelia!

Aunt Brooklyn is so much fun!

Look at those horses Mom!

My sweet Nicholas!

This horse will be lucky:)

Rosanna and her little munchkin

Such a good time!

Nicholas and I in the front row!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Chillin At Home

Mason loves playing in his car with Grandma!

Playing peek-a-boo in the crib is so much fun!  Mason has the sweetest laugh:)

I can sit up on my own for a long time now!

Hi Mommy!

Really?!  How many pictures are you going to take?


I want to put everything in my mouth!
Mason has so much personality.  He is really coming into his own.  Lately he has been kicking his legs and flailing his arms around when he is happy.  It is hysterical!  Marc and I know he is awake when we hear his legs banging down on his crib mattress.  He is now using his high chair and eating oatmeal twice a day.  We will start veggies here shortly.  Mason is also able to hold himself in a sitting position without looking too drunk.  LOL!  Mason gives the best sloppy baby kisses!  He grabs my cheeks and opens his mouth and kisses me (and drools all over my face:)!  I know he probably just wants to bite my nose, but I still consider them baby kisses.  We love our little munchkin soooo much!!!!!  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy 1st Valentine's Day Mason!

I love you this much!!!

Mommy and Daddy love you sooooo much sweet boy!

This is my favorite part of the book!

Playing with my new Valentine's Day toy:)

Let me read it to you mom:)

Future Mr. Right for sure!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mason Rolling Over!!!!!

I went home at lunch today to hang out with Mason and Momma and I found out that he has been rolling over all morning!!!  Marc and I have been laying on the floor with Mace every night and of course he decides to do it when we are both at work.  I was so excited that I was able to catch it on video!!!  My munchkin is growing up so fast:)

Check me out!

My reward for rolling over is I get to play with my feet:)

My little love bug!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy 5 Month Birthday!!!!

My little love bug is 5 months old today!!!  He continues to change each week.  He is so close to rolling over on his own.  Every time we think he is going to make it, he discovers his feet (built-in toys) and decides to play with them instead.  My son has a foot fetish!  LOL:)  He is getting a little better with tummy time.  Mason will now stay on his belly for about 30 seconds before he gets upset.  This is probably why he won't roll over because he hates being on his tummy:)  For the most part, Mason is the happiest baby lately!  He is always smiling and his eyes light up whenever we look at him.  His beautiful smile continues to make my heart melt every time I see it.  Mason has also been sleeping about 6-7 hours straight throughout the night for the past 6 nights.   Marc and I are finally starting to get some rest again!  He loves eating his oatmeal for breakfast every day too.  My son loves his food!  Marc and I love our sweet boy more than anything!!!!!!   

This is too much work!  I am just going to lay here:)

I'm trying, but I would rather play with my feet:)

I love chillin on the couch with my dad!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

I was beyond excited that the New York Giants won at Mason's first Super Bowl!!!!  About 25 of us gathered together at Auntie Jaime's to watch the game.  We all wore our Giants gear and ate tons of food.  Nothing says football like a huge plate of baked ziti!  LOL!  Of course we had tons of other real football foods too:)  We had Jackson and Mason (aka the Giants' Good Luck Charms) all decked out and ready to cheer on their favorite team.  (Sorry Marc, but our baby is a Giants fan for life:)  We had an awesome time!  GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait to go GMEN!

Saba and Diana Hanging with the Munchkins

Steven is such great cousin!

The Tucson Crew

Mason trying to take Jackson's toy:)

The Good Luck Charms!

Chillin with the family

Go Big Blue
Mason loves his Momma!!!!

Don't worry Austin, they win the game!