Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Dinner with the Boileau Family

Christmas evening was spent at our house with my amazing in-laws.  Mason had a blast hanging out with his cousins.  He especially loved blowing bubbles and playing in his other new chair from Aunt Michelle.  We are extremely blessed to have such wonderful families!  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Mason loved playing with his new cup.

Mason loves his new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse chair!  He also loves books now!  He is definitely my little scholar:)

Penny got a special treat by having her cousin, AB, spend the night.  She really loved this slumber party because Penny decided to wake up at 3 AM and start playing with AB.  How could you get mad at those gorgeous faces???!!!

Christmas Morning

Yay!!  Santa was here!!!!

Penny was very excited about opening her present!

Mason is obsessed with his new recliner!  He loves to get in and out of that chair every 30 seconds. 

We always spend the next part of Christmas morning at Auntie Jaime's house.  We eat (again) a huge gourmet breakfast and open even more presents:)  Thank you my beautiful sister for an awesome morning!

Mason was starting to enjoy opening gifts:)

These were his favorite toys:)

Thanks Brooklyn for the most adorable pajamas!  He will definitely fit into them next year when we ride the Polar Express:)

Christmas Eve

Every year on Christmas Eve we all go to Momma and Poppa's house and enjoy an amazing meal filled with seafood.  We have shrimp cocktail, scungilli salad, frutti de mare, shrimp scampi (my favorite), crab stuffed mushrooms, and of course baked ziti and meatballs, plus so much more!  This is my favorite meal of the year:)  After hours of eating and drinking, we then exchange gifts and eat dessert (Momma's cookies are the best).  Mason loved spending time with his cousins and opening tons of presents!

Santa Claus is coming to town!

I made this amazing Christmas tree for Momma and Poppa back in 1985!  I love that they hang it up every year for Christmas:)

My gorgeous boys!  We wished Jackson was with us too:)

The wonderful chefs who cooked this perfect meal!  Thank you Monica and Momma:)

My little man LOVED the boxes that the presents came in:)

Bring on the food!

Bath time and then straight to bed so that Santa can come to the house:)

Penny was excited for Santa too:)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Spirit

Now with the weather finally getting cooler, it is definitely beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.  Mason had a blast running around the tree lot and climbing on everything the evening we picked out our tree.  Last year at this time, Mason was only 3 months and did not understand what was going on during the holidays.  But this year, Mason is loving the twinkling lights when we go for our evening walks, obsessed with our Christmas tree and wants to yank off every ornament, not a big fan of Santa unless Mommy and Daddy are with him, and he is enjoying Christmas cookies.  I love this time of year, and I love it even more now that my little man is kind of into it as well:)

Santa Mason and Elf Penny

Mason had so much fun running around at the Boulder's Christmas party.  He especially loves his Momma and Poppa!

Mason was not a big fan of this Santa:(
Merry Christmas Jackson!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Visit From Grandma Boileau

Mason had an amazing time when Grandma came over to visit.  Mason showed Grandma his rocking chair, how he loves to climb up on everything, and his Christmas tree.  We had a lot of fun hanging out at the house.  Mason was so tired after Grandma left that he took a 3 hour nap! 

Thanks for my present Grandma!

Mason loves his praying angel:)

Monday, December 10, 2012

15 Month Check-Up

So happy hanging out in the exam room, before the doctor comes in:)

"He's going to poke me with WHAT??!!!!"

So happy again and he doesn't even remember getting the shots, but Mommy does:(
Mason had his 15 month doctor check-up on Friday, December 7.  Mason now weighs 26.5 pounds and is 31 inches tall.  He is still above average for weight, but he is now at the 50 percentile for height.  All four of Mason's molars have broken through and he now has 12 teeth.  The doctor explained that the "fang" teeth are next and he said those are the worst:(  We had a rough time with the molars, so I pray that theses teeth come in easily for my little guy.  Mason is in perfect health!  The doctor did recommend completely getting rid of the pacifier by 18 months.  He only uses it when he sleeps, but I agree, it is time to ween him from that.  I am not looking forward to this at all:(  Mason is doing well with his speaking (12 words!) and walks around like a pro!  He is definitely starting to throw more tantrums, especially when we tell him that he is not allowed to touch the Christmas tree.  He is starting to take after his mommy when it comes to being stubborn.  That is something we will both need to work on.  Next doctor's visit is 18 months!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jill and Brooke in Kansas City

Last weekend I flew out to Kansas City, Missouri to visit my beautiful best friend.  My original plan was to go out there, capture her, and bring her back to Arizona.  That didn't happen because when I landed, I instantly fell in love with this awesome city!  My new plan is to take Marc and Mason back there:)  We were extremely fortunate to have amazing weather.  Apparently the huge winter coat, gloves and hats were a big waste of suitcase space.  I must have brought the Arizona weather because it was gorgeous!  Brooklyn and I had so much fun all weekend!  We went shopping at the Plaza, ate lots of amazing food, got manicures, went to a movie, and even had afternoon tea at this spectacular museum.  This trip made me realize how much I miss my best friend:(  Thank you Brooklyn and Teddy for a fabulous weekend!!!  I can't wait to come back with Mason and Marc!

Me and My Girl

This plate of BBQ is about to go down!

The Plaza

And we're the 3 best friends that anyone can have:)
While I was enjoying my vacation, Marc was home with Mason and Penny.  Thank you Marc for sending me pictures and videos of my gorgeous babies!
Bath Time with Daddy!

Christmas pajamas already??? :)

Passed out Penny from all the fun with Daddy:)